Washington County Historical

Washington County Historical (HM1VKO)

Location: Springfield, KY 40069 Washington County
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N 37° 41.052', W 85° 13.169'

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Morgan's First Raid

—July 12-13, 1862 —

Word of Morgan's raid on Lebanon on July 12 quickly reached Springfield, a tiny village of 500 residents. After hearing news of the raid, F.L. Davison, prominent local planter and businessman, sent Springfield resident John Meeks to the neighboring towns to ascertain the facts. Nineteen-year-old Meeks got close enough to see the smoke over the town, assumed the worst, and raced back to Springfield.

Meeks charged into town with bloodied spurs announcing to eveyrone that Morgan was burning Lebanon to the ground, killing everyone, and was heading toward Springfield. Davison arrived in Springfield shortly after Meeks' proclamation and found the residents panic stricken. People hid their valuables, locked up their houses and left town in fear that Morgan would destroy their homes and businesses. They turned their horses loose in the woods lest they be "requisitioned" by the Confederates. Unionist made themselves scarce while others prayed for deliverance.

These precautions proved unnecessary. A few tired cavalry horses may have been "swapped" in Springfield but the column passed through without halting, en route to Maxville (Mackville) where it passed the night.

Morgan and his men did bring considerable havoc to the small community of Mackville, ten miles northeast of Springfield. Nothing to the degree that young Meeks predicted after witnessing Lebanon's smoke and terror would occur in Springfield. Morgan's July 12 strike in two locations in Washington County, Kentucky brought much fear and trepidation. Folks were glad to see him proceed to Harrodsburg and Danville early Sunday morning July 13.
Series This marker is part of the series
Placed ByKentucky Heartland Civil War Trails Commission
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, November 9th, 2016 at 1:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16S E 656999 N 4172268
Decimal Degrees37.68420000, -85.21948333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 37° 41.052', W 85° 13.169'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds37° 41' 3.12" N, 85° 13' 10.14" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)859
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling East
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 248-298 US-150 BUS, Springfield KY 40069, US
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