
Why? (HM1R07)

Location: Eads, CO 81036 Kiowa County
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N 38° 32.962', W 102° 30.709'

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Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site

For years, Cheyenne and Arapaho traveled and hunted the Great Plains in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains. But in 1858, gold fever struck in Colorado Territory. Miners rushed in and tens of thousands of settlers followed. Competition for land became great. Conflict was inevitable.

Skirmishes and raids erupted along overland routes, and at Indian camps and isolated ranches. When U.S. soldiers killed Cheyenne Chief Lean Bear, warriors clamored for revenge. The murder of rancher Nathan Hungate and his family sparked widespread fear and panic in Denver and throughout the Territory.

Governor Evans envisioned statehood for Colorado Territory and promised protection for its citizens. He directed friendly Arapaho and Cheyenne to go to the U.S. Indian Agent at Fort Lyon, "who will show them a place of safety." But for hostile Indians, he issued a call for all Colorado citizens to "pursue, kill, and destroy" them. Only then, he proclaimed, "can we secure a permanent and lasting peace."

"All citizens of Colorado...go in pursuit, kill and destroy all hostile Indians that infest the Plains..."
Territorial Governor John Evans
HM NumberHM1R07
Placed ByNational Park Service
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Friday, March 11th, 2016 at 1:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)13S E 716831 N 4269706
Decimal Degrees38.54936667, -102.51181667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 38° 32.962', W 102° 30.709'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds38° 32' 57.72" N, 102° 30' 42.54" W
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Area Code(s)719
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 54000-56424 County Rd W, Eads CO 81036, US
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