Beirut Memorial

Beirut Memorial (HMFXC)

Location: Jacksonville, NC 28540 Onslow County
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Country: United States of America
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N 34° 44.859', W 77° 24.875'

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Honoring the men
who gave their lives in Lebanon
1982 - 1984
May we always remember
those who are ready
to protect our freedom

Commissioned by
the people of Jacksonville
North Carolina
October 23, 1986

On the back of the marker is engraved:

They came in peace

and a list of those American servicemen who died in Beirut:
Terry W. Abbott USMC· Clemon Alexander USMC· John R. Allman USMC· Moses Arnold, Jr. USMC· Charles K. Bailey USMC· Nicholas Baker USMC· Johansen Banks USMC· Richard E Barrett USMC· Ronny K. Bates USN· David L. Battle USMC· James R. Baynard USMC· Jesse W. Beamon USN· Alvin Belmer USMC· Shannon D. Biddle USMC· Stephen Bland USMC· Richard L. Blankenship USMC· John W Blocker USMC· Joseph J. Boccia, Jr. USMC· Leon Bohannon USMC· John R. Bohnet, Jr. USMC· John J. Bonk, Jr. USMC· Jeffrey L. Boulos USMC· David R. Bousum USMC· John N. Boyett USMC· Anthony Brown USMC· David W. Brown USMC· Bobby S. Buchanan, Jr. USMC

· John B. Buckmaster USMC· William F. Burley USMC· Alfred Butler III USMC· Jimmy R. Cain USN· Paul L. Callahan USMC· Mecot E. Camara USMC· Bradley J. Campus USMC· Randall A. Carlson USA· Johnnie D. Ceasar USMC· Sam Cherman USMC· Randy W. Clark USMC· Marc L. Cole USMC· Marcus A. Coleman USA · Juan M. Comas USMC· Robert A. Conley USMC· Charles D. Cook USMC· Curtis J. Cooper USMC· Johnny L. Copeland USMC· Bert D. Corcoran USMC· David L. Cosner USMC· Kevin P. Coulman USMC· Manuel A. Cox USMC· Brett A. Croft USMC · Rick R. Crudale USMC· Kevin P. Custard USMC· Russell E. Cyzick USMC· David L. Daugherty USMC

· Andrew L. Davis USMC· Sidney James Decker USMC· Michael J. Devlin USMC· Thomas A. Dibenedetto USMC· Nathaniel G. Dorsey USMC· Frederick B. Douglass USMC· George L. Dramis USMC· Timothy J. Dunnigan USMC· Bryan L. Earle USN· Roy L. Edwards USMC· William D. Elliot, Jr. USN· Jesse Ellison USMC· Danny R. Estes USMC· Sean F. Estler USMC· Thomas A. Evans USMC· James E. Faulk USN· Richard A. Fluegel USMC· Steven M. Forrester USMC · William B. Foster, Jr. USN· Michael D. Fulcher USMC· Benjamin E. Fuller USMC· Michael S. Fulton USMC· William Gaines Jr· Sean R. Gallagher USMC· David B. Gander USMC· George M. Gangur USMC· Leland E. Gann USMC

· Randall J. Garcia USMC· Ronald J. Garcia USMC· Edward J. Gargano USMC· David D. Gay USMC· Harold D. Ghumm USMC· Warner Gibbs, Jr. USMC· Timothy R. Giblin USMC· Michael W. Gorchinski USN· Richard J. Gordon USMC· Harold F. Gratton USMC· Robert B. Greaser USMC· Davin M. Green USMC· Thomas A. Hairston USMC· Freddie Haltiwanger, Jr. USMC· Virgil D. Hamilton USMC· Gilbert Hanton USMC· William Hart USMC· Michael S. Haskell USMC· Michael A. Hastings USMC· Jeffrey T. Hattaway USMC· Paul A. Hein USMC· Douglas E. Held USMC· Mark A. Helms USMC· Ferrandy D. Henderson USMC· Matilde Hernandez, Jr. USMC· Rodolfo Hernandez USMC· Stanley G. Hester USMC· John Hendrickson USMC

· Donald W. Hildreth USMC· Richard H. Holberton USMC· Robert S. Holland USN· Bruce A. Hollingshead USMC· Melvin D. Holmes USMC· Bruce L. Howard USMC· John R. Hudson USNR· Terry L. Hudson USMC· Lyndon J. Hue USMC· Maurice E. Hukill USMC· Edward F. Iacovino, Jr. USMC· John J. Ingalls USMC· Paul G. Innocenzi, III USMC· James J. Jackowski USMC· Jeffrey W. James USMC· Nathaniel W. Jenkins USMC· Michael H. Johnson USN· Edward A. Johnston USMC· Steven Jones USMC· Thomas A. Julian USMC· Marion E. Kees USN· Thomas C. Keown USMC· Edward E. Kimm USMC· Walter V. Kingsley USMC· Daniel S. Kluck USA· James C. Knipple USMC· Todd A. Kraft USMC

· Freas H. Kreischer, III USMC· Keith J. Laise USMC· Thomas G. Lamb USMC· Mark A. Lange USN· James J. Langon, IV USMC· Michael S. Lariviere USMC· Steven B. Lariviere USMC· Richard L. Lemnah USMC· David A. Lewis USMC· Val S. Lewis USMC· Joseph R. Livingston USMC· Donald G. Losey, Jr. USMC· Paul D. Lyon, Jr. USMC· John W. Macroglou USMC· Samuel Maitland USMC· Charlie R. Martin USMC· Jack L. Martin USMC· David S. Massa USMC· Michael R. Massman USMC· Joseph J. Mattacchione USMC· Ben Henrey Maxwell USA· John McCall USMC· James E. McDonough USMC· Timothy R. McMahon USMC· Robert V McMaugh USMC· Timothy D. McNeely USMC· George N. McVicker, II USN

· Louis Melendez USMC· Richard H. Menkins, II USMC· Michael D. Mercer USMC· Ronald W. Meurer USMC· Joseph P. Milano USN· Joseph P. Moore USMC· Richard A. Morrow USMC· John F. Muffler USMC · Alex Munoz USMC· Harry D. Myers USMC· David J. Nairn USMC· Luis A. Nava USMC· Michael J Ohler USMC· John A. Olson USMC· Robert P. Olson USMC· Alexander M Ortega USMC· Richard C. Ortiz USMC· Jeffrey B. Owen USMC· Joseph A. Owens USMC· Ray Page USMC· Ulysses G. Parker USMC· Mark W. Payne USMC· John L. Pearson USMC· Marvin H. Perkins USMC· Thomas S. Perron USMC· John A. Phillips, Jr. USMC· George W. Piercy USN

· Clyde W. Plymel USMC· William H. Pollard USMC· Rafael Pomalestorres USMC· Victor M. Prevatt USMC· James C. Price USMC· Patrick K. Prindeville USMC· Eric A. Pulliam USMC· Diomedes J. Quirante USN· David M. Randolph USMC· Charles R. Ray USMC· David L Reagan USMC· Rui A. Relvas USMC· Terrence L. Rich USMC· Warren Richardson USMC· Juan C. Rodriguez USMC· Louis J. Rotondo USMC· Mark E Salazar USA· Guillermo San Pedro, Jr. USMC· Michael C. Sauls USMC· Charles J. Schnorf USMC· Scott L. Schultz USMC· Peter J. Scialabba USMC· Gary R. Scott USMC· Ronald L. Shallo USMC· Thomas A. Shipp USMC· Jerryl D. Shropshire USMC· James F. Silvia USMC· Larry H. Simpson, Jr. USMC

· Stanley J. Sliwinski USMC· Kirk H. Smith USMC· Thomas G. Smith USMC· Vincent L. Smith USMC· Edward Soares USMC· Alan H Soifert USMC· William S. Sommerhof USMC· Michael C. Spaulding USMC· John W. Spearing USMC· Stephen E. Spencer USMC· Bill J. Stelpflug USMC· Horace R. Stephens USMC· Craig S. Stockton USMC· Jeffrey G. Stokes USMC· Thomas D. Stowe USMC· Eric D. Sturghill USMC· Devon L. Sundar USMC· James F. Surch, Jr. USN· Dennis A. Thompson USMC· Thomas P. Thorstad USMC· Stephen D. Tingley USMC· John J. Tishmack USMC· Henry Townsend, Jr. USMC· Lex D. Trahan USMC· Richard Twine USA· Pedro J Valle USMC· Donald H. Vallone, Jr. USMC· Michael R. Wagner USN

· Eric R. Walker USMC· Leonard W. Walker USMC· Eric G. Washington USMC· Obrian Weekes USMC· Kenneth Welch USA· Tandy W. Wells USMC· Steven B. Wentworth USMC· Allen D. Wesley USMC· Lloyd D. West USMC· John R. Weyl USMC· Burton D. Wherland USMC· Dwayne W. Wigglesworth USMC· Rodney J. Williams USMC· Scipio Williams, Jr. USMC· Johnny A. Williamson USMC· Walter E. Wint, Jr. USMC· William E. Winter USMC· John E. Wolfe USMC· Donald E. Woollett USMC· David E. Worley USN· Craig L. Wyche USMC· James G. Yarber USA· Jeffrey D. Young USMC· William A. Zimmerman USMC

John P. Giguere USMC· Jeffery B. Scharver USMC· Jeb F. Seagle USMC· Kenneth V. Welch USA
Year Placed1986
Placed ByThe people of Jacksonville, North Carolina
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Friday, September 12th, 2014 at 9:00am PDT -07:00
Photo Credits: [5] KEN PANCIOCCO  
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)18S E 278967 N 3847714
Decimal Degrees34.74765000, -77.41458333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 34° 44.859', W 77° 24.875'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds34° 44' 51.54" N, 77° 24' 52.50" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)910
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 900-928 Lejeune Blvd, Jacksonville NC 28540, US
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