Arch C. Klumph

Arch C. Klumph (HMBTI)

Location: Cleveland, OH 44114 Cuyahoga County
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N 41° 30.476', W 81° 41.637'

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June 6, 1869
June 3, 1951

1911 - Founding member, Cleveland Rotary Club
1913 - President, Cleveland Rotary Club
1914-15 - Director, International Assn. of Rotary Clubs
1916-17 - 6th President, Rotary International

A business, civic, and cultural leader of Cleveland

[left side]
This monument erected October 21, 1992 by the Rotarians of District 6630 is dedicated to the vision of Arch C. Klumph, father of the Rotary Foundatin and to 75 years of dedication to world understandin and peace through international charitable and educational programs of the Rotary Foundation.

[right side]
Major programs of the Rotary Foundation, 1917-1992
Since 1947: International ambassadorial scholarships; 25,535 scholarships in 61 countries
Since 1964: Matching grants; 2,425 grants in 130 countries
Since 1965: Group study exchange; 22,000 teams in 100 countries
Since 1978: Health, hunger, and humanity; 128 projects in 49 countries
Since 1979: Rotary volunteers in action; 1,934 terms in 74 countries
Since 1985: Polio Plus; 606,000,000 children immunized in 74 countries

Total funds contributed to humanity sinc 1917: over $500,000,000.
Year Placed1992
Placed ByRotarians of District 6630
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, October 1st, 2014 at 1:08am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)17T E 442087 N 4595377
Decimal Degrees41.50793333, -81.69395000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 41° 30.476', W 81° 41.637'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds41° 30' 28.56" N, 81° 41' 38.22" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)216, 330, 440
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 1154 E 9th St, Cleveland OH 44114, US
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