Fray Diego de Landa Historical

Fray Diego de Landa Historical (HM1XB3)

Location: Izamal, Yucatán 97540 Izamal
Country: Mexico
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N 20° 55.906', W 89° 1.114'

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Fray Diego de LandaContradictorio provincial de hierro. Fanático destructor e incansable constructor. Luz y sombra. Persiguió a los mayas como inquisidor. Como obispo los defendió de los encomenderos. Hizo el auto de fe de Maní y la "Relación de las Cosas de Yucatán." Historiador primordial, es figura eminente en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI. 1971. Carlos Loret de Mola MedizEnglish translation: Friar Diego de Landa Contradictory provincial, with seemingly iron views. A fanatic destroyer and tireless builder. Light and shadow. He pursued the Maya as an inquisitor. As bishop he defended them from the encomenderos. He burned Maya relics and writings in the auto-da-fé at Maní and then wrote the chronicle of Maya history, "An Account of the Things of Yucatan." A primordial historian, he is an eminent figure in the second half of the sixteenth century.1971. - Carlos Loret de Mola Mediz
HM NumberHM1XB3
Year Placed1971
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Saturday, March 18th, 2017 at 1:01am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16Q E 290085 N 2315917
Decimal Degrees20.93176667, -89.01856667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 20° 55.906', W 89° 1.114'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds20° 55' 54.36" N, 89° 1' 6.84" W
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Area Code(s)541
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 303 Calle 30, Izamal Yucatán 97540, MX
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