The Great Ball Court Historical

The Great Ball Court Historical (HM1X6O)

Location: , Yucatán Tinum
Country: Mexico
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N 20° 41.038', W 88° 34.198'

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El Gran Juego de PelotaEs la cancha de juego más grande de Mesoamérica. Cuenta con dos largas construcciones laterales, donde se ubican los anillos de piedra con imágenes de serpientes emplumadas y el talud con escenas de sacrificio de jugadores de pelota: dos muros en forma de U que cierran los extremos de la cancha. Sobre ellos, se conservan dos edificios ricamente decorados con relieves y pintruas. Al lado este, el Templo de los Jaguares y Escudos presenta procesiones de señores y escenas de batalla que ofrecen una viva imagen de la historia de Chichén Itzá.El tamaño de la cancha y la altura de los anillos hacen poco probable que se hayan aplicado, en este caso, las reglas del juego de cadera conocidas en el momento de la conquista. Maya-Yucateco:Leti' u jach nojochil u kúuchil báaxal ti' tuláakal Mesoamérica. Yaan ka'a p'éel nukuch pak' tu tzéelikilo'ob, te'elo' yaan u dzipitilo'ob tuunich tu'ux yaan u yoochel k'u'uk'um kaano'ob, tu pak'il ikil u yéemele' yaan oochelo'ob e'esik bix u kiinsa'al le aj báaxalo'obo; yaan ka'a p'éel pak'o'ob k'alik le kúuchil báaxalo'. Yóok'ol tuláakal lela' yaan ka'a p'éel najo'ob jadzutzkíinta'an yéetel ya'abkach oochelo'ob. Tu tzéel lak'inile' tia'an u k'ul najil chak mo'olo'ob yéetel k'atuno'ob tu'ux ku yila'al u tzol xíimbal nukuch máako'ob yéetel u yoochel
ba'ate'obi', lela' jun p'éel chíikul ti' u k'ajla'ay Chi' ch'e'en Itzá.U nojochil le kúuchil báaxal yéetel u ka'analil le dzipito'obo' ku taal u ye'es jach talam ka'aj úuchuk l báaxal je'e bix k'aj óolta'anil le ka'aj taal le sak wíiniko'obo.English:This is the largest ball court in Mesoamerica. It is formed by a long wall on each side, with embedded rings or hoops carved with images of plumed serpents. The slightly sloping walls are decorated with scenes of the sacrifice of ball players. At each end of the U-shaped court there are low walls supporting buildings richly decorated with reliefs and paintings. To the east, the Temple of Jaguars and Shields presents processions of dignitaries and battle scenes that offer a vivid image of the history of Chichén Itzá.The size of the court and the height of the rings indicate that, in this case, it is not likely that the ball was hit through the ring by the hip alone, although such game rules were generally applicable at the time of the conquest.
HM NumberHM1X6O
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, March 8th, 2017 at 9:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16Q E 336478 N 2287963
Decimal Degrees20.68396667, -88.56996667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 20° 41.038', W 88° 34.198'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds20° 41' 2.28" N, 88° 34' 11.88" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near Unnamed Road, Yucatán , MX
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