The Fenwick Island Lighthouse

The Fenwick Island Lighthouse (HM1E2)

Location: Ocean City, MD 21842 Worcester County
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N 38° 27.082', W 75° 3.297'

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The Fenwick Island Lighthouse
Erected 1858
In operation from 1859 to 1978
as an official aid to navigation
Transferred to Delaware, 1981
Restored, 1982 - 1983, by The Friends of
the Fenwick Island Lighthouse under the
leadership of W. Paul Pepper, President
With the assistance of:
The State of Deleware
The Fenwick Island Women's Club
Senator Richard S. Cordrey
Richard B. Carter
Randy Murray
Earl R. Strausbaugh
John Cziraki, Steeplejack
Oliver Cropper? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Herla Lobo
Vice-President? ? ? ?????? ? ? ? ? ? ?Treasurer
Claire Pritchett
??????????????????????????????????????A.D. 1983

(nearby informational marker)
On December 29, 1858, the Lighthouse Board issued the following announcement:

"Notice to Mariners
New Light-House
Fenwicks Island, Delaware"

Notice is hereby given that the new tower at Fenwicks Island, Deleware, is finished, and that a light will be exhibited therefrom for the first day of August next, and will be kept burning during that night, and every night thereafter, from sunset to sunrise. The tower is built of brick, is 75 feet high and is surmounted by a lantern 10 feet high.
The watch room and lantern are painted black, the lower and keeper's dwelling white.
The illuminating apparatus is of the third order of the system of Fresnel and will show a fixed white light varied by a bright flash every two minutes.
The focal plane is 86 feet above the level of the sea, and the light should be visible in ordinary states of the atmosphere 15 nautical miles.
The approximate position of the light-house, as deduced from the Coast Survey charts, is -
???????????????Latitude,??? 38? 27' 00" North
???????????????Longitude, 75? 03' 30" West?"
The lighthouse cost $23,748.96 to build in 1858.
The light was first fueled by whole oil, then kerosene and was magnified by a lens, (Fresnel lens), imported from France.

The two houses flanking the lighthouse were the homes of the lighthouse keeper and his assistant. These are now privately owned.

The Lighthouse is presently operated by the Friends of the Fenwick Island Lighthouse as a private aid to navigation and is powered by solar energy.
HM NumberHM1E2
Year Placed1983
Placed ByThe Friends of the Fenwick Island Lighthouse
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Friday, September 5th, 2014 at 5:03pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)18S E 495205 N 4255898
Decimal Degrees38.45136667, -75.05495000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 38° 27.082', W 75° 3.297'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds38° 27' 4.92" N, 75° 3' 17.82" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)302, 410, 443
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 107 146th St, Ocean City MD 21842, US
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