Historical Marker Search

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
On the National Register of Historic Places, the world famous Butte Creek Mill is the only grist mill in Oregon still grinding flour. Built on the banks of Little Butte Creek in 1872, under the name Snowy Butte Mill, local farmers would bring…
Covered Bridge 202 originally was the Yankee Creek Covered Bridge carrying vehicle traffic across Antelope Creek on Yankee Creek Road. The City of Eagle Point obtained Bridge 202 from Jackson County and moved it to the Little Butte Creek location …
Dedicated to All Veterans
In Memory Of The Vietnam Veterans. Offerings Of Love And Honor Vietnam Memorial Wall Jun 24 1998        Jun 29 1998
Carya ovata Mary Louisa Black planted this shagbark hickory near her home in 1866 from nuts she carried from Missouri on the Oregon Trail in 1865. Of the nuts she planted, two grew into trees. This tree is the lone survivor of snow, summer heat…
At the beginning of World War II, the US Army established Camp George A. White in a part of Jackson County then known as the Agate Desert as a training cantonment. Soldiers from across the nation, including women and southern Oregon's first large …
Dedicated to John Mathew Pioneer of 1853 Named Eagle Point for the Eagles that nested on the Bluffs near his home, 1 mile N.E, on Brownsboro Rd.