Historical Marker Search

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 11
In 1855 a group of Mormon missionaries came north from Utah to found a remote colony just below the bench east of here. A religious settlement rather than a military fort. Salmon River Mission grew to more than 100 settlers before Indian trouble…
The Red Rock Stage travelled this route between Salmon, ID, and Red Rock, MT from 1866 to 1910. It ran 125 miles daily, year-round, involving 90 horses, 14 Concord Coaches, and 12 wagons. Several holdups occurred near here, and it was not unusual …
Two days before reaching the Continental Divide, Meriwether Lewis speculated that the Columbia River would not have the same moderate character as the Missouri. "I do not beleive (sic) that the world can furnish an example of a river runn…
First Taste of the Columbia "we proceeded on to the top of the dividing ridge from which I discovered immence ranges of high mountains still to the West of us with their tops partially covered with snow. I now decended the mountain about 3/4…
Who passed this way? In August of 1805 members of the Lewis and Clark Expedition and Shoshone Indians crossed Lemhi Pass six time in 15 days. · Monday, the 12th —- Lewis, McNeal, Drouillard & Shields —- headed west …
On Monday August 12, 1805, Lewis,with three men as an advance party, crossed the Lemhi Pass and spent their first night in Idaho near this spot. Lewis wrote, "...after a short halt of a few minutes we continued our march along the Indian road whic…
Filling in the Blanks The maps of North America carried by Lewis and Clark showed only a vast, uncharted space between the Mandan villages of the Missouri Rier and the Pacific Coast. The mountains separating the Missouri and Columbia river…
The salmon runs that fed the Lemhi Shoshone in summer had almost ended: it was time to leave for the fall buffalo hunt on the Missouri River. Cameaghwait and his people would hunt with their allies, the Montana Salish, for mutual defense against e…
When Lewis learned that Clark had found the Salmon River un-navigable, buying more horses became a top priority. He'd already bought fifteen, but he needed twice that many to carry the Expedition's baggage. But enemy raiders had stolen many Lemh…
This community is named for a great man: Tendoy, chief of the Lemhi Shoshone from 1863 to 1907. During the Nez Perce , Bannock and Sheepeater troubles of the 1870s, Tendoy preserved the peace in Lemhi County. In gratitude, prominent local settlers…