Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 15724

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
1820 Atcheson settled in Susquehanna's West Branch, upstream from this point. 1845 he built 2 large houses connected at different levels, secreting an area to hide slaves. Spiriting slaves from the Mason Dixon Line to Canada became a dangerous end…
Shepherd fought in the Spanish-American War at El Caney, Cuba with Company D, 7th U.S. Infantry. He was awarded the Medal of Honor on July 1, 1898. Superior officers repeatedly cited him for bravery above and beyond the call of duty. Born in Bulls…
Historical importance began with the Indians as a way-station, known as Canoe Place, where water transportation ended and a woodland trail led westward to the Alleghenies. This event probably brought the first white man, a Frenchman, to this area.…