Historical Marker Search

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You are on the historic Jackson Road, a critical link
 between Jackson and Vicksburg during the Civil War.
 To guard this key entrance to the city, Confederate
 forces built a major fort here: the Third Louisiana
 Redan. Lo…
On March 13, 1863, Union Rear Admiral David D. Porter commanded a squadron of five "City Series" ironclads and ram General Sterling Price on a bold expedition to find a route into the Yazoo River above the Confederate fortifications north of Vicks…
Gaining control of Vicksburg and the Mississippi River cost so many lives-more than 10,000 Union dead. In the aftermath of battle, the dead were often buried hastily in makeshift graves. At hundreds of Civil War battle sites the remains of fal…
The Union siege of Vicksburg was 
successful because of places like this. 
At Battery De Golyer, the Union army 
concentrated its cannon. Confederates 
spread theirs out. When a Confederate
 cannon fired, many Union g…
This impressive monument salutes the US Navy's role in the success at Vicksburg. In the spring of 1863, Grant needed to change tactics. Having failed to penetrate Confederate defenses north of Vicksburg, he decided to move his large and well-provi…
On May 22, 1863, Union troops commanded by General John M. Thayer stormed up this hill toward the Confederate fort at the top. Slowed by the steep terrain and pushed back by heavy enemy fire, Thayer's men were forced to withdraw. On May 30, the so…
When Union forces arrived at Vicksburg, Union General
 Ulysses S. Grant chose a wood frame house near here as
 his headquarters. But the house ended up serving a very
 different purpose. During the night of May 21, 1863,
The Union army became a refuge for formerly enslaved
 African Americans in 1862. The Second Confiscation Act 
declared that enslaved people taking refuge behind Union 
lines would be set free. Across the South, black freedom̷…
Direct assaults on the Confederate fortifications on
 May 19 and 22 ended in heavy Union losses. With
 Vicksburg's defenses holding strong. Grant changed
 tactics and ordered a formal siege. Here, at Third
 Louisiana Redan,…
At daybreak on May 22, 1863, hundreds of Federal cannon opened fire. The second Union attempt to take Vicksburg began. Three miles of Confederate fortifications were bombarded for four hours. Then the Union guns fell silent. Troops charged for…
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