Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 20008

Page 11 of 12 — Showing results 101 to 110 of 111
Cleveland Park was named for Grover Cleveland who bought a country house on now Newark Street in 1886. In the 1890s, electrified streetcars ran on Connecticut and Wisconsin Avenues and led to the development of the Cleveland Park "suburb". Sho…
Connecticut Avenue's commercial corridor, between Macomb and Ordwary, reflects changes in retail that followed changes in modes of transportation from 1890 streetcar, to automobiles, to the Cleveland Park Metro Station in 1981. Individual stores o…
In the Gilded Age (1866-1901) the nouveau riche built grand mansions near Sheridan Circle and commissioned fashionable portraits such as this one of Mrs. Larz Anderson. They lived and entertained in these enormous residences during Washington's br…
Dr. Philip Jaisohn was a pioneer of independence, democracy and public awakening for the Korean people. After the failed 1884 reformation movement, he was exiled to the United States, where he became the first Korean-born to become an American cit…
Liberal Politician, Statesman, Social ReformerOne of the most prominent Greek and European Leaders of the 20th Century.He marked the modernization of Greece with his political initiatives
[Inscription on base of statue - West Side:]Mahatma Gandhi1869-1948"My Life Is My Message"[North Side:]Gandhi led India to freedom from British rule in 1947. He is hailed as the father of the nation. Crusader for human rights and liberty, thinker,…
This statue by William McVey (1902 - 1995), was erected in 1966 by public subscription, onthe initiative of the English Speaking Union. One foot stands on United States, one on British Embassy grounds: a symbol of Churchill's Anglo-American desce…
[Panel 1:]Crown Princess M?rtha of Norway 1901 - 1954 Born in Stockholm, Sweden to Prince Charles of Sweden and Princess Ingeborg of DenmarkMarried to Crown Prince Olav of Norwayin 1929 [Panel 2:]This monument, created by Kirsten Kokkin, was er…
[front (south) face of statue base:Robert EmmetIrish Patriot1778-1803[Coat of arms of "The United Irishmen"][plaque on north face of the statue base:]"I wished to procure for my country the guarantee which Washington procured for America... …
Tomáš G. Masaryk"He had the mind of a scholar, the figure of a sportsman, the bearing of an aristocrat, the position of a king. But he had the heart of a democrat. ..."Dorothy Thompson, NBC broadcast, September 24, 1957. This memorial honors To…
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