Historical Marker Search

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Side 1Rhinard I. Anderson began operating a garage and battery service station business here on April 14, 1914. By 1930, it transitioned into the R. I. Anderson Machine Shop. Rugnar (Rhinard) Isidor Andersson (Anderson) was born in Stockholm, Sw…
Side 1The Central Wisconsin Electric Cooperative celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2012. It dates to Peter M. Johnson, Ed A. Leer, William Selmer, and Erick Solberg - all of rural Iola - and K. M. Sannes of rural Scandinavia signing articles of i…
Side 1The Iola Village Board at its September and October, 1892, meetings appointed and adopted a fire protection resolution committee report. At its subsequent Nov. 4 meeting it paid a $22.62 bill for the purchase of ladders; at its Feb. 4, 1893,…
Iola's organized skiing tradition dates back to Tuesday, January 11, 1910, when a group of individuals met in Justice Cleaves' office to initiate the organization of the Iola Ski Club, which morphed into the Iola Winter Sports Club some 10 years l…
Side AA business that was to bring international acclaim to Iola was established at this location on August 18, 1964, with the organization of Krause Publications as a corporate business entity. Over the next 40 years it expanded into numerous oth…
The first half of the 20th century found Depot Street, popularly referred to as "Spud Alley," abuzz with potato buying, storage, grading, and packing activities. Potato warehouses lined the street and railroad rights-of-way from North Ma…
✞ Dedicated to Our Veterans Who so Honorably Served God and Country
Built in Scandinavia, WI in 1864 by Ole Hellestad. Restored on this site in 1999 by friends of Hartman Creek.
George Allen's crude birch bark cribs provided habitat to grow 1-inch trout fingerlings large enough to be transplanted into area streams. These cribs still exist, preserved and concealed beneath the lake. In 1939, the State of Wisconsin took o…
On these bronze plates are the honored names of those courageous men and women from the Clintonville area, who died while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States. They gave all their tomorrows so that we can have our today. We shall alway…