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Couched between high red sandstone bluffs in a beautiful valley of the Pecos River, this park is located near the picturesque Spanish colonial village of Villanueva. The park offers hiking trails with historical markers and camping/picnicking sites
Front: Humans have inhabited the Pecos Valley for at least 12,000 years. The fifteenth century Towa-speaking trading pueblo, Cicuyé, had over 2,000 inhabitants. During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Franciscan churches were built…
Fort Bascom was built to protect this area from Comanches. In 1864, Kit Carson led a campaign against the Comanches, as did General Philip Sheridan in 1868. The fort was also established to control the Comancheros, New Mexicans involved in illegal…
From 1863 to 1867, this mountain was a home of Juan Maria Agostini, an Italian penitent who lived there as a hermit, carving crucifixes and religious emblems which he traded for food. Leaving this area, he moved to the Organ Mountains in southern …
For the Glory of God and CountryThese died in World War IIMartin Quintana Jr.Ernesto OrtizPablo V. Roybal "They died in that we may live in peace"
This is one of the finest surviving examples of Bishop Lamy's French-inspired gothic architecture in New Mexico. Completed in 1906, it is constructed of locally quarried stone instead of traditional adobe. Among its adornments is a painting of Nue…
Built in 1810
Architect: Charles Wheelock · Contractor: John Bennett Wooten Built by a consortium led by Benigno Romero and Jean Pendaries to replace the two-story Territorial Style adobe Las Vegas Hotel.
"Don Luis" Stern's trademark slogan was "La Tienda Barata"—or the inexpensive shop. Later the site of the West Las Vegas Town Hall and jail. The cells still exist in the rear of the building.
The largest of the mission churches at Pecos Pueblo, ca. 1625 La Iglesia mas grande de la mission de Pecos, ca. 1625