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You searched for City|State: vicksburg, ms

Page 29 of 40 — Showing results 281 to 290 of 398
Direct assaults on the Confederate fortifications on
 May 19 and 22 ended in heavy Union losses. With
 Vicksburg's defenses holding strong. Grant changed
 tactics and ordered a formal siege. Here, at Third
 Louisiana Redan,…
At daybreak on May 22, 1863, hundreds of Federal cannon opened fire. The second Union attempt to take Vicksburg began. Three miles of Confederate fortifications were bombarded for four hours. Then the Union guns fell silent. Troops charged for…
Middle house constructed ca. 1830 by John Lane, a member of Vicksburg's founding family. Flanking Italianate townhouses constructed ca. 1872: 901 by a niece of Jeff. Davis; 913 by Judge Upton Young.
This Greek Revival house was built in 1830 by Martha Vick, daughter of Vicksburg founder Newit Vick. Newit and his wife Elizabeth died of yellow fever in 1819, leaving Martha to help raise her eight siblings. Martha Vick died in 1851, after which …
Lookouts spotted Union vessels on the Mississippi River and sounded the alarm. Within minutes, the night sky blazed with the light of burning cotton bales and tar barrels. In forts like the one you are in, Confederate gunners knew just where t…
Company A Captain P. Grandpre Company B Captain R.C. Barrow Company E Captain Toby Hart Compamy F Captain T.N. McCrory Served guns in the city on the river-front line March 29-July 4 1863
Company B Capt. J.P. Morlot Served guns on the line of defense May 18-July 4, 1863 Marks' Company Capt. Washington Marks Served guns on the river-front line May 18-July 4, 1863
Vital supplies of food, clothing, medicine, European-made rifles and soldiers arrived here from the south and west. They were then shipped by rail to the troops fighting in the east. By early 1863, Vicksburg and Port Hudson, Louisiana, were the la…
C.S. Marks' Company, 22D Louisiana; River Batteries; Army of Vicksburg. Capt. Washington Marks. A detachment of the company, under Lieut. Samuel Barnes, served one 10-inch Columbiad in this position from about May 26 to the end of the d…
On November 12, 1902, the Washington Post reported that President Theodore Roosevelt was headed to Smedes, Mississippi, 25 miles north of Vicksburg, for a 4-day bear hunt. The article said the president "did not anticipate the pleasure of killing …
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