31st Ohio Infantry Historical

31st Ohio Infantry Historical (HM1UA2)

Location: Chattanooga, TN 37404 Hamilton County
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N 35° 2.571', W 85° 15.22'

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Turchin's Brigade

—Baird's Division —

31st Ohio Infantry
Turchin's Brigade, Baird's Division, 14th Corps.

Lieutenant Colonel Frederick W. Lister

The morning of November 25th the 31st, with its brigade and division, marched to support General Sherman at Tunnel Hill. Returning, it formed with the brigade on the left of Wood's Division.
In the assault on the ridge the 31st reached the crest about this point, and moving to the left assisted in the capture of several sections of artillery.
November 26th the Regiment joined the pursuit to Ringgold.
Casualties: killed, 1 officer, 10 men; wounded, 2 officers, 34 men; Total, 47.
HM NumberHM1UA2
Year Placed1908
Placed ByState of Ohio
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Sunday, September 11th, 2016 at 5:01pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)31N E 166021 N 0
Decimal Degrees35.04285000, -85.25366667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 35° 2.571', W 85° 15.22'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds35° 2' 34.26" N, 85° 15' 13.2" W
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Area Code(s)423
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 183-227 N Crest Rd, Chattanooga TN 37404, US
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