José Rodrigo Xóc Perez Historical

José Rodrigo Xóc Perez Historical (HM1W7X)

Location: San Antonio Palopó, Sololá
Country: Guatemala
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N 14° 41.499', W 91° 7.0028'

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José Rodrigo Xóc PerezFechas importantes y alegres de su vida: Nació en: San Antonio Palopó el 26-07-1986, fue Bautizado el 12-06-1987. Su Primera Comunión: a la Edad de 9 o 10 años. Cursó: Tercero básico, 29-10-2004. Participaciones con grupos de la iglesia católica y socialesEn el año 2006: Grupo de Alabanzas "Cantores de Cristo" Juventud Católica, Organizador de Teletón: el año 2008. Los Cucuruchos y Grupo "Maria Modelo de los JóvenesMomentos dolorosos y últimos días de su vida: 13-12-2008 Cayó de lo alto, cuando estaban adornando el atrio de la iglesia Católica, para la Conferencia de Acción de Gracias, realizado por el grupo María Modelo de los Jóvenes. Medio muerto fue llevado al Hospital de Sololá, y trasladado a la emergencia del Hospital Roosevelt de la Ciudad de Guatemala. 14-12-2008, a las 06:00 a.m. descansó en los brazos del Señor, en el Hospital Roosevelt. A las 12:00 de la noche llegó a su pueblo de nacimiento, trasladado a esta Iglesi y luego a su casa de habitación. 15-2-2008 Santa Misa de Cuerpo presente, y enterrado en el Cementerio General. Descanse en Paz, Amen
English translation:José Rodrigo Xóc Perez Important and joyful dates in his life:Born in: San Antonio Palopó on July 26, 1986, was baptized on December
6, 1987. His First Communion: at the age of 9 or 10 years. Studies: Third Basic level of education, October 29, 2004. Participation with Catholic and Social Church Groups: In 2006: Praise Group "Christ's Singers" and Catholic Youth Group, Telethon Organizer; In 2008: Los Cucuruchos and Youth Group "Maria, Model for the Youth"Painful moments and the last days of his life:December 13, 2008: He fell a great distance while decorating this Catholic Church for the Conference of Thanksgiving given for the Group "María, Model for the Youth". Half dead, he was taken to Sololá Hospital and then transferred to the emergency room of the Roosevelt Hospital in Guatemala City. On December 14, 2008, at 6:00 a.m. he rested in the Lord's arms at Roosevelt Hospital. At 12:00 p.m. he arrived at this, the village of his birth, and then transferred to this Church and then to his family's house. On February 15, 2008 a Holy Mass was held here and he was buried in the General Cemetery.Rest in Peace, Amen
HM NumberHM1W7X
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Saturday, December 10th, 2016 at 9:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)15L E 702788 N 8374932
Decimal Degrees14.69165000, -91.11671374
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 14° 41.499', W 91° 7.0028'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds14° 41' 29.9400" N, 91° 7' 0.1695" W
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Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling North
Closest Postal AddressAt or near Unnamed Road, San Antonio Palopó Sololá , GT
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