The Literary and Historical Society of Quebec

The Literary and Historical Society of Quebec (HM1J4W)

Location: Québec, Québec G1R 4H3 Communauté-Urbaine-de-Québec
Country: Canada
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N 46° 48.765', W 71° 12.626'

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Founded on the initiative of Lord Dalhousie in 1824 to preserve the documentary record of Canadian history, this was the first Canadian learned society. For 120 years, the Society made important contributions to higher learning as a museum and reference library, through the publication of scholarly works and original documents, and as a platform for lectures on historical and scientific subjects. It also fostered the establishment of the Geological Survey, the Public Archives, and the Historic Sites Monuments Board of Canada. After 1944, it functioned solely as a library.

Cette société, fondée en 1824 sur l'initiative de lord Dalhousie afin de conserver les documents de l'histoire du Canada, fut la première société savante du pays. Pendant 120 ans, elle apporta une contribution important au haut savoir grâce à son musée, à sa bibliothèque, à la publication de travaux érudits et de documents originaux et à ses conférences sur des sujets historiques et scientifiques. Les favorisa en outre la création de la Commission géologique, des Archives publiques et de la Commission des lieux et monuments historiques du Canada. Après 1944, elle limita des activités à celles d'une bibliothèque.
HM NumberHM1J4W
Year Placed1997
Placed ByHistoric Sites and Monument Board of Canada/Commission de lieux et monuments historique du Canada
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, February 11th, 2015 at 9:02pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)19T E 331366 N 5186728
Decimal Degrees46.81275000, -71.21043333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 46° 48.765', W 71° 12.626'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds46° 48' 45.9" N, 71° 12' 37.56" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling South
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 44 Chaussée des Écossais, Québec Québec G1R 4H3, CA
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