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One fourth mile north. Built 1862 First Democratic Territorial Convention held in Cabin Fall of 1863
In 1946 Jack Morgan and his brother Ed purchased the logging division at New Meadows, Idaho, from Boise Payette Lumber Company. The new company was called J. I. Morgan, Inc. In the years that followed, the company was instrumental…
John Welch — always known as Packer John — hauled supplies from Lewiston to Idaho City during a major Boise Basin gold rush of 1863-1864. He built a cabin (1/4 mile north of here) that immediately became an historic Idaho landmark. …
An ambitious railroad project to a high Seven Devils copper mine (elevation 6800 ft.) created a lot of excitement here in 1898-1899. This would have been Idaho's highest mountain railroad if funding had been available to complete it. Constructi…
For more than half a century, after 1910, an apple orchard of nearly 1400 acres, thought to be the largest in the United States under one management, covered this area. Investors, mostly from the eastern U.S., bought 10-acre shares to finance t…