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Fixed by Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Dedicated April 28th 1939.
This monument is to commemorate the visit of Abraham Lincoln to Council Bluffs, Aug. 19, 1859 From this point he viewed the extensive panorama of the Valley of the Missouri River and in compliance with the laws of Congress on November 7…
Presented by The National Humane Alliance Hermon Lee Ensign Founder The Haymarket Commercial Historic District has been entered in The National Register of Historic Places by the United States Department of the Interior
Some 10,000 goldseekers ferried the Missouri River at Council Bluffs in 1849. The settlement was "only a little Burg between two high bluffs," but over the next two decades it became the preferred "jumping off" point for thousands of overland emig…
This historic cemetery of Kanesville (now Council Bluffs) was created as the resting place for the mortal remains of several hundred Mormon pioneers. From 1846 to 1853, thousands of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (the M…
Teacher in the public schools of Council Bluffs, Lieutenant and Captain Co. B. 4th Iowa Infantry, Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel 23rd Iowa Infantry. [Dedicated] May 17, 1902 —————————&…
Hyde Park was a small farming community just west of here, founded in 1847 by Mormon pioneers. It was named for Orson Hyde, an Apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints who took up residence here when he returned that spring from …
Pioneer Legislator and Patriot U. S. Army General and Distinguished Civil and Military Engineer
has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places by the United States Department of the Interior
[Veteran Rolls of Honor]