Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: philip, sd

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Molyneux Cabin. Built in the Black Hills by Cyrus M. Molyneux in 1888. Moved in 1896 to North Fork, in Haakon County. Three terms of school were held in it with Molyneux as teacher. Donated by Allen Gee. Reconstruction completed, on Museum plot in…
...(for) people who are on alert at the launch missile control centers it's very much an invisible thankless job....nobody sees what they do, nobody cares about it. I see them as almost invisible warriors, the security police that are there, the…
Edgar I. Brown, born in 1854, came here with wife, Alice, and son, Charles, to homestead in the Badlands when he was 55. Their first and only home was a side hill, sod wall, dirt roofed house. About it they built up a humble homestead. Intact toda…
Camps NP-2: 8 miles S of Wall on SD 240. 13 miles W (1 mile W of Sage Creek); and NP-3: 3/4 mile S. of Cedar Pass Visitor Center. Company: 2754 (NP-2) — 11/1/39 - 10/24/41; (NP-3) — 10/24.41 - 3/25/42.The Civilian Conservation Corps wa…
...for years, countless travellers had driven across Interstate 90 in western South Dakota, en route to Mt. Rushmore National Memorial, or Yellowstone National Park,...within sight of nearly a dozen nuclear missile sites....Tim Pavek, Ellsworth Ai…