Col. William Rhett House

Col. William Rhett House (HMLAG)

Location: Charleston, SC 29401 Charleston County
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N 32° 46.98', W 79° 55.83'

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54 Hasell Street

— circa 1712-1720 —

This residence was constructed by Col. William Rhett (1666-1722), a prominent Charleston merchant and colonial militia leader. In 1706 he led a small fleet of local ships that repulsed a combined French and Spanish invasion of the city. Rhett is perhaps best remembered for his capture of the pirate Stede Bonnet in 1718.Considered one of the oldest houses in Charleston, this two story stuccoed brick residence was originally squarish in plan, a layout typical of early Charleston houses. An addition on the northwest side as well as the east and west piazzas, by which the house is now entered from Hasell Street, were added in the early 19th century.When constructed, the house was located outside the city limits on a portion of land known as the Point Plantation. After Rhett acquired the property in 1707 he renamed the twenty eight acres surrounding the house "Rhettsbury", a name that was still in use when the area was later subdivided for his granddaughters, Susannah Hasell Quince and Mary Hasell Ancrum.In 1807 the property was purchased by Christopher Fitzsimmons, a wealthy wharf owner. His grandson, Wade Hampton, III (1818-1902), Confederate Lieutenant General, Governor of South Carolina (1876-1879), and United States Senator (1879-1891) was born in this house in 1818.
Year Placed2001
Placed ByPreservation Society of Charleston
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, September 24th, 2014 at 1:20am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)17S E 600154 N 3627736
Decimal Degrees32.78300000, -79.93050000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 32° 46.98', W 79° 55.83'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds32° 46' 58.80" N, 79° 55' 49.80" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)843
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 56 Hasell St, Charleston SC 29401, US
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