Jack Walker

Jack Walker (HM2JI5)

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N 33° 38.891', W 78° 56.429'

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Jack Walker, the oldest of six children, grew up in Columbia, SC and knew he wanted to be involved in planning from an early age. He graduated from Clemson University with a degree in architecture with a goal of getting into planning while having a design background. After many years working in the private sector Jack became the Director of Planning for the City of Myrtle Beach in 1984.
When the Myrtle Beach Air Force Base closed in 1993 Jack served on a number of committees and task forces dedicated to base redevelopment. He worked with Design Works, L.C. in creating an urban village master plan for the Market Common. The main impetus of the urban village was two-fold. First was the desire to diversify the Grand Strand economy by providing jobs and housing opportunities not associated with tourism. Second was the desire to take advantage of the existing base structure of buildings and infrastructure. Jack worked closely with the Myrtle Beach Air Base Redevelopment Authority to make the urban village master plan and other Market Common district projects a reality.
Jack is very passionate about urban outdoor recreation spaces. He assisted with the design of the Grand Park that is heavily utilized by the community. He worked very hard to expand the Grand Park across Farrow Parkway to create the linear park before you

today. The park can be enjoyed by bicyclists, walkers, people fishing, or just relaxing in the shade of a tree.
Jack's dream was for the Market Common to be the perfect model of what the future of Myrtle Beach could look like - creative land use, public space, multi-use paths, roads and parks, all coming together with residential and retail opportunities.
After 31 years of public service Jack retired from the city in 2015, and continues his visioning at his leisure.
HM NumberHM2JI5
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Friday, August 9th, 2019 at 5:01pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)17S E 690988 N 3725050
Decimal Degrees33.64818333, -78.94048333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 33° 38.891', W 78° 56.429'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds33° 38' 53.46" N, 78° 56' 25.74" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near , ,
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