Robert Gibson

Robert Gibson (HM2GH7)

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N 38° 37.43', W 90° 11.627'

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St. Louis N.L., 1959-1975

Five-time 20-game winner, his 3,117 strikeouts made him only 2nd pitcher to reach 3,000. First to fan 200 or more in a season 9 times. Set N.L. mark with 1.12 ERA in 1968, hurling 13 shutouts. Twice World Series MVP, setting records for consecutive victories (7), consecutive complete games (8), and strikeouts in a game (17) and a series (35). Voted N.L. MVP in 1968 and Cy Young Award winner in 1968 and 1970. Won nine Gold Glove Awards.

[Other side:]
Bob Gibson
Unveiled April 18, 1998

This statue honors one of baseball's most competitive pitchers at the end of his famous follow-through. It was unveiled during the 30th anniversary year of "Gibby's" greatest season — 1968 — when he was 22-9 with a major league record 1.12 ERA, 28 complete games, and a league leading 13 shutouts and 268 strikeouts. Bob's 251 victories, 3117 strikeouts and 56 shutouts are the most in Cardinals' history.
HM NumberHM2GH7
Year Placed1998
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Friday, May 3rd, 2019 at 8:04pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)15S E 744298 N 4278770
Decimal Degrees38.62383333, -90.19378333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 38° 37.43', W 90° 11.627'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds38° 37' 25.8" N, 90° 11' 37.62" W
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