Sacbeob 5 & 15 Historical

Sacbeob 5 & 15 Historical (HM1X8R)

Location: , Yucatán Tinum
Country: Mexico
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N 20° 40.851', W 88° 34.136'

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Roadways 5 and 15

Sacbeoob 5 y 15El sacbé 5 es un camino que comunica la Plaza Norte con el El Caracol. Existen tres épocas de construcción: las dos primeras tenían por límite una sencilla hilera de piedras y la tercera, muros un poco más altos que los ahora pueden observarse. Existe una construcción posterior, una especie de albarrada, que tal vez sirvió de base a una palizada o defensa de material perecedero, que en su continuación conecta el sacbé 5 con el lado norte del Templo de Xtoloc. Está hecha con piedras de construcción reutilizadas, entre las cuales abundan tambores de columnas y piedras decoradas. El sacbé 15, que cruza el sacbé 5 en este punto, une la plataforma de El Osario con el área del Centro Xtoloc, y llegaba al frente del templo del mismo nombre. Sin embargo, fue parcialmente desmontado, quizá aún en épocas prehispánicas. Este sacbé es contemporáneo de la primera época del sacbé 5.Maya-Yucateco:Sak Bejo'ob 5 yéetel 15Le Sak bej 5 jump'éel beel ku bisik máak ti' le Xaman K'iiwiko' tak Le Juubo'. Yaan ti' óoxp'éel u k'iinil u betpajlil: le yáax ka'ap'éelo'obo' yaan ti'ob je'ex u xuule' jump'éel tsóolil tuunicho'ob yéetel le u yóoxp'éelilo', pak'o'ob jump'iit maas ka'anal ti' le ku yila'al bejla'o'. Yaan jump'éel paachil beetpajlil, bey jump'éel koot yajnaj je'ex u yáanalil jump'éel múuch' che'ob
wa tokbáail beet'ab yéetel ba'alo'ob ku k'astal, tu chowakile' ku nupil le Sak bej 5 yéetel u tséelil xamanil le Templo del Xtolok wa K'u' najil le tóoloko'. Beeta'an yéetel tuunicho'ob ka' meyajnaja'ano'ob, ti' lelo'obo'-yaan ya'ab tuunicho'ob wóolispaja'ano'ob yéetel jats'utskiinta'an tuunicho'ob. Le Sak bej 15, ku máansik le Sak bej 5 ti' le kuuchila', ku nupik u ka'anal but'bil lu'umil. El Osario wa Le baakelilo' yéetel u chúumukil - El Tolok wa Le Xtooloko', yéetel ku k'uchul ka'ach tu táan le k'u' najil láayil beey u k'aaba'o. Chéen ha'ale', óoli tu laakal jko'ol u che'ilo'ob, mii kitak ma' k'uchuk ka'ach le káastlan máako'oba'. Le Sak beja' ku k'iinilok u yáax k'inil le Sak bey jo'op'éelo' wa Sak bej 5.English:Sacbeob 5 & 15Sacbé 5 is a road which connects the Northern Plaza with the Observatory. It was built in three stages: the first two provided a simple line of stones outlining the road, while in the third stage there were walls, slightly higher than those observed today. There is an earth wall, dating from an earlier period, which was probably built as a base for an enclosure or defense structure made of perishable material, which eventually connects Sacbé 5 with the northern side of the Temple of Xtoloc. It is built out of reused stones, of which there are many column bases and decorated stones. Sacbé 15, which crosses Sacbé 5 at this point, joins the platform of The Ossuary with the Xtoloc Centre and reaches the temple of the same name. However, it was partially dismantled, perhaps even before the arrival of the Spaniards. This Sacbé is contemporaneous with the first period of Sacbé 5.
HM NumberHM1X8R
Placed ByInstituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH)
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Sunday, March 12th, 2017 at 1:02pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16Q E 336583 N 2287617
Decimal Degrees20.68085000, -88.56893333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 20° 40.851', W 88° 34.136'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds20° 40' 51.06" N, 88° 34' 8.16" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near Unnamed Road, Yucatán , MX
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