Osceola And The Early Pioneers

Osceola And The Early Pioneers (HM1GHU)

Location: Osceola, NE 68651 Polk County
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N 41° 11.051', W 97° 32.612'

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The early settlement of Polk County in 1867 brings us in close touch with the trail of the pioneer. Then from year to year, others came and settlement advanced. These early settlers came by covered wagon, many with ox team. The nearest railroad was 40 miles distant and the roads were trails angling from place to place. The vast expanse of prairie grass, as far as the eye could see was broken only here and there by smoke arising from some sod house on a claim.

Osceola, the county seat and geographical center of Polk County is said to have been named after the Indian Chief Osceola of Florida. It was first located three miles southeast of the present site. The present location was made permanent October 10, 1871. The post office was established June, 1872 and the town was incorporated on August 26, 1881. At this date, Osceola was the terminus of the mail route from Lincoln via Ulysses. The Union Pacific Railroad ran its first train into Osceola June 23, 1879, giving direct communication with the outer world.

Polk County has been the home of three governors, Albinus Nance, John H. Mickey and Ashton C. Shallenberger.

Series This marker is part of the Nebraska: Nebraska State Historical Society series
Marker Number57
Placed ByOsceola Lions Club; Historical Land Mark Council.
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Sunday, September 21st, 2014 at 5:45am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)14T E 622151 N 4560225
Decimal Degrees41.18418333, -97.54353333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 41° 11.051', W 97° 32.612'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds41° 11' 3.06" N, 97° 32' 36.72" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)402
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling East
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 431 Valley St, Osceola NE 68651, US
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