Colon / Harry Blackstone

Colon / Harry Blackstone (HM17UT)

Location: Colon, MI 49040 St Joseph County
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N 41° 57.568', W 85° 19.621'

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(Obverse Side)
Known as the "Magic Capital of the World," this small town has gained widespread recognition for the invention and manufacture of magic tricks. Colon's reputation as a magic mecca began after Australian Percy Abbott visited the famous American magician Harry Blackstone who lived in this area. Abbott subsequently returned to Colon and started the Abbott Magic Novelty Company in 1933. Mainly a mail-order operation, the company continues to devise tricks which baffle the human eye and mind. In 1934 Abbott sponsored the first "Magic Get-Together," now an annual event attracting thousands of professional and amateur devotees. Blackstone himself as well as other famous conjurers have performed at these festivals.

(Reverse Side)
Harry Blackstone
One of America's most notable magicians, Harry Blackstone (1885-1965), lived in Colon. Born Harry Bouton, he began his professional wizardry career at the age of sixteen in his native city of Chicago. Blackstone's fame grew in the first three decades of the twentieth century when magic shows were a staple of vaudeville and Broadway. During World War II millions of servicemen watched him perform at gatherings of the USO (United Service Organizations). His shows often included the "dancing" handkerchief trick and rabbits which were given to young spectators. Blackstone utilized split-second timing and "misdirection" of the audience to create illusions. His colorful personality enhanced the drama of magic and endeared him to Colon which in the early 1960s renamed Main Street in his honor.
HM NumberHM17UT
Series This marker is part of the Michigan: Michigan Historical Commission series
Marker NumberL526
Year Placed1977
Placed ByMichigan History Division, Department of State
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Tuesday, September 30th, 2014 at 8:18pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16T E 638642 N 4646629
Decimal Degrees41.95946667, -85.32701667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 41° 57.568', W 85° 19.621'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds41° 57' 34.08" N, 85° 19' 37.26" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)269
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 200-340 W State St, Colon MI 49040, US
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