Historical Marker Search

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"Peaceable if you can, forcibly if you must," ordered Indian Agent T. B. Odeneal. The U.S. Army garrison's task was to bring the Modocs and their leader, Captain Jack, back to the reservation. His refusal started the Modoc War in the fall of 1872.…
By April 1873, months of peace talks to end the Modoc War had gone nowhere. General E.R.S. Canby found himself caught between President Grant's Indian Peace Policy and the desire of some settlers to have the Army eliminate the Modoc band. The Modo…
For thousands of years, the hill rising in front of you was an island. Ancient Lake Modoc lapped against its base, scouring cliffs. Later, Native Americans canoed to these cliffs to carve symbols in the soft volcanic tuff, and Modocs still tell of…
General E.R.S. Canby was murdered here in April, 1873, while holding a peace parley under flag of truce with Captain Jack and Indian Chiefs. Rev. Eleazer Thomas, Peace Commissioner, was likewise treacherously slain.
From this fortress Captain Jack and his Indian forces successfully resisted capture by U.S. Army troops from December 1, 1872 to April 18, 1873. Other nearby landmarks of the Modoc Indian War are Canby's Cross, No.110 and Guillam's Graveyard, No.13
Tule Lake was one of ten American concentration camps established during World War II to incarcerate 110,000 persons of Japanese ancestry, of whom the majority were American citizens. Behind barbed wire and guard towers without charge, trial or es…
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt established the Civilian Conservation Corps on March 31, 1933, to provide employment for America's youth and promote the nation's economic recovery. The CCC's work involved conservation projects on forest, park …