Historical Marker Search

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 20
Created March 20, 1848. Organized March 10, 1849. Named in honor of William G. Cooke 1808-1847 Captain of the "New Orleans Greys," 1835 Assistant Inspector General at San Jacinto, 1836 Member of the Santa Fe Expedition, 1841 Secretary of W…
On Jan. 5-6, 1868, Chief Big Tree and 150 to 200 Kiowas raided Willa Walla Valley, Clear Creek and Blocker Creek. Burned homes; killed 13 people; scalped one woman alive. Captured 10 women and children; 3 escaped, 2 were ransomed. Raiders reached …
Alberca "El Capulín"1726-1738En el año de 1726, el español Don Juan Antonio de Urrutia y Arana, Marqués de la Villa del Villar del Águila, inició los trabajos de construcción en esta alberca del pueblo de La Cañada, para al…
Balneario Escandón "El Piojito" - 1736En este año Don José Escandón y de la Helguera, Conde de la Sierra Gorda, adquirió éste terreno y los manantiales para la construcción de unos baños en el pueblo de La Cañada, lo…
En el bicentenario de la Independencia Nacional y el centenario de la Revolución Mexicana, pueblo y gobierno de El Marqués rinden homenaje perenne a los héroes que no legaron libertad y democracias a los mexicanosEl Marqués, …
La H. XXXV Legislatura Constitucionaldel Estado, mediante Ley número82 expedida el 21 de Diciembre de 1948, restituyó a esta Villa el nombre deLa Cañada, que primitivamente tuvo, dándole alMunicipio de que es cabecera a ladenominación de "El …
Settlement of the area now known as Cooke County began in late 1845. The county was created by the State Legislature in 1848 and named for William G. Cooke, Republic of Texas Quartermaster General and a participant in the Battle of San Jacinto. La…
Front Cooke County C.S.A. Military, defense center in Civil War. Cooke voted 231 to 137 anti-secession, yet nine military units served Confederacy from here. In constant danger of Federal or Indian attack. Col. Wm. C. Young of Cooke, with…
Facing the threat of invasion from the north and fearing a Unionist uprising in their midst, the people of North Texas lived in constant dread during the Civil War. Word of a "Peace Party" of Union sympathizers, sworn to destroy their government, …
Two long, narrow strips of timber extending parallel to each other from Oklahoma to Central Texas; form a marked contrast to adjacent prairie. The more fertile East Cross Timbers begin here in Cooke County. Area was famous pioneer landmark as well…