Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 48192

Showing results 1 to 10 of 11
Side A On October 17, 1890, Captain John Baptiste Ford (1811-1903) purchased this property along the Detroit River. He established the Michigan Alkali Company here in 1893. Ford had financial interests in several glass companies, and he chose the…
Eber B. Ward, pioneer industrialist in many fields, built the Eureka Iron Works in Wyandotte in 1854. Here iron ore from Upper Michigan was smelted into iron in furnaces that were heated by charcoal made from wood cut in the surrounding forests. H…
This property has beenplaced on theNational Registerof Historic Placesby the United StatesDepartment of the Interior
Built in 1862has been placed on theNational Registerof Historic Placesby the United StatesDepartment of the Interior
The nation which forgets its defenders will itself be forgottenCalvin Coolidge
In Memoriam Dedicated by the citizens of Wyandottein grateful memory of thoseof this community who gave the last full measureof devotion in the cause of freedom Abbate, Vincent G. · Amo, Glenn Joseph · Assenmacher, Frank G. &midd…
Rest easy, sleep well my brothers.Know the line has held, your job is done.Rest easy, sleep well.Others have taken up where you fell, the line has held.Peace, peace. and farewell...Richard Hollingsworth Jan. 9, 1966 · Christopher Johnson Ju…
Erected by theCitizens of Wyandottein Memoryof those who made thesupreme sacrificein theGreat World War1914 - 1918 Edward C. Headman · Oscar H. Pietraschke · Herbert E. Czaddach · Boleslaw Gutowski · Samuel J. Frankh…
200 yards north west of the highest point was situated thelargest Indian Ossuary yetdiscovered in the Province. First discovered in 1828.Bones and sand removed in 1908.
200 yards north east of this point stood"Stamford Cottage" later known as"Stamford Park" the home ofSir Peregrine Maitland, Lieutenant Governorof Upper Canada from 1818 to 1828.The property was purchased in 1822 andconsisted of a 'cottage' and gat…