Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: hilo, hi

Showing results 1 to 10 of 11
(Legend to Points of Interest to on the Hilo Bay map:) ➊ Kānoe Heiau Kānoe Heiau was one of six major lauakini or sacrificial heiau on the island of Hawai'i dating back to ancient times. ➋ Naha Stone A large, …
Mo'oheau Park was established in the early 1900's as a place for community gatherings and youth activities. The first bandstand was dedicated near the current site in 1905. The land and the original bandstand were said to have been donated by Admi…
Kamehameha the Great was born in the 1750s and rose to become one of the most important figures in Hawaiian history. He lived during a period of great transition in Hawaiian society, having witnessed the arrival of the first Westerners when he was…
Well before sheep and cattle ranching took hold in the second half of the nineteenth century, these rugged 'āina mauna, mountain lands, were traveled for collecting birds and rock or for religious purposes. Rock from Maunakea adze quarries at…
Dedicated to the memory of the people who have contributed to the growth of the Big Island, its economy and its culture through their work on our many island plantations. This bell originally served the Hakalau Sugar Company.
The home of David Belden Lyman and Sarah Joiner Lyman Missionaries of the A.B.C.F.M. to the Hawaiian People Built in 1839
Waiakea Town, or Yashijima, was a close-knit, vibrant community which occupied what is known today as Banyan Drive. The golf course and park that you see today was once filled with homes, businesses and Waiakea Kai School, all of which provided th…
The Waiakea Social Settlement clock was refurbished and re-erected on this original concrete stand by the Waiakea Pirates Athletic Club in May, 1984. It is one of the few landmarks that withstood the destruction on Waiakea Town by the tsunami of M…
The historic ala hele (trail) follows a likely prehistoric route. It begins a Pu'u'ō'ō to the north, a hill named for the now-extinct black and yellow 'ō'ō bird who's feathers were once collected in this region. As ranching dev…
Hilo — Pu'u'ō'ō trail was built atop the 1855 lava flow and was used to travel by horse of foot to Pu'u'ō'ō Ranch and Humu'ula. It approximates the route of earlier prehistoric trails. Much of the trail traverses smooth p…