Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: emporia, ks

Showing results 1 to 10 of 39
Founded by the Presbyterian Synod of Kansas 1882 - 1974 This memorial was gratefully presented to the City of Emporia, Kansas by the C of E Alumni Association 1984 The bell hung in Stuart Hall, the first building on the campus. After Stuart Hall …
Dedicated to those who offered their live's [sic] in Humanity's defense in the Great War of the Nations 1914-1918, and in memory of those indicated here by Gold Stars who gave their last full measure of devotion [Roll of Honored Dead] Luther Aue …
The gift of Andrew Carnegie The ground on which the building stands is the gift of Mrs. P.B. Plumb
This land was deeded to the Bethel Methodist Episcopal Church on March 24, 1882 It served several school districts, one of which was Central School, located 1/4 mile east of here. It merged with the First Methodist Church in Emporia on …
...All gave some, Some gave all...and......Our flag was still there... Founding city of Veterans DayEmporia, Ks.1953 - 2003 Dedicated November 6, 2003
Commemorative of theGarfield School Building1880 1916 Shane Bell FoundryHenry McShane & Co.Baltimore, Md.1881 Emporia High School 1880[cornerstone]
This house built 1894by widow ofPreston B. Plumba founder of Emporia.Later given to Emporia Y.W.C.A.by daughtersMary, Ruth, Caroline.——————Senator Preston B. Plumband Carrie S. Plumb HouseBuilt c. 1894has been p…
Honoring thosewho served us inWorld War II [Honor Roll of Names]
St. Mary's Hospital of Emporia was first opened on this location in 1884 by the Sisters of the Order of St. Francis at Lafayette, In. For many years it was the only hospital between Kansas City and Wichita, and it was sustained not only by members…
In Memory of OurNation's Heroes To Our SilentVictors Lest We Forget