Paul's Union Church

Paul's Union Church (HM2U5)

Location: La Marque, TX 77568 Galveston County
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N 29° 21.817', W 94° 57.303'

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Established about 1895 by Laura Stewart and Julia Parr Munson. This Church is distinguished by a history of strong community involvement. The congregation has been led by various Methodist, Presbyterian, and other protestant clergy and has served an interdenominational congregation throughout its history.

The site of the original church building destroyed in the 1900 storm became a cemetery in which many of the storm's victims were buried. Services were held at B. F. Ayers' home until a new structure was built adjacent to the cemetery about 1913. The church incorporated as La Marque Union Protestant Church in 1927.

A new sanctuary was completed in 1933 with the help of Mrs. Paul Naschke. Her financial assistance was extended on the condition the church be named after her late husband. A well-known local photographer and contributor to church affairs. The church was renamed Paul's Union Church in 1933. Various community groups, including La Marque's Garden Club and its civic club used church facilities.

Led by a devoted clergy the church was able to support a missionary to South America, aid victims of the 1947 Texas City disaster and lead a 1949 anti-gambling crusade in Galveston County.
HM NumberHM2U5
Year Placed1995
Placed ByTexas Historical Commission
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Monday, September 8th, 2014 at 9:33pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)15R E 310229 N 3249860
Decimal Degrees29.36361667, -94.95505000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 29° 21.817', W 94° 57.303'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds29° 21' 49.02" N, 94° 57' 18.18" W
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Area Code(s)409
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 1709 S Oak St, La Marque TX 77568, US
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