Mc Neil Homestead 1882

Mc Neil Homestead 1882 (HM2JA)

Location: New Port Richey, FL 34654 Pasco County
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N 28° 15.239', W 82° 38.265'

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This plat of land (Section 6, Township 26S, Range 17E) was surveyed in January 1847 for the newly formed state of Florida by Deputy Surveyor George Watson. In 1851 the state government created the Internal Improvement Board to encourage settlement, decrease the threat of Indian uprisings and provide funds for internal improvements such as roads. The land was purchased from this Board in 1882 by James Mc Neill, a veteran of the Civil War, 1st Regt., Florida Infantry, Confederate States of America. Tax records indicate it was later owned by J. M. Mitchell (1906-1915), L. L. Anderson (1915-1937) and J. B. Starkey (1937-1972) before its present ownership by SWFWMD. The remains of this early "cracker" homestead indicate activities included farming, timbering, and turpentine production. This Pasco County historic landmark is registered with the Florida Master Site File of the Division of Historical Resources as site #PA1385. Its rediscovery and preservation for the public is a direct result of the combined efforts of BSA Explorer Post 604, members of Boy Scout Troops of the West Central Florida Council of BSA and various organizations and members of the community.
HM NumberHM2JA
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, October 15th, 2014 at 6:40am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)17R E 339339 N 3126425
Decimal Degrees28.25398333, -82.63775000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 28° 15.239', W 82° 38.265'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds28° 15' 14.34" N, 82° 38' 15.90" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)727, 813
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 1360-1740 Starkey Wilderness Bike Trail, New Port Richey FL 34654, US
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