Västra Gymnasiehuset / Eastern High School Building

Västra Gymnasiehuset / Eastern High School Building (HM20Z9)

Location: Stockholm, Stockholms län 111 28
Country: Sweden
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N 59° 19.461', E 18° 3.84'

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Här låg "badaregården", en av Stockholms många medeltida badstugor. 1635 donerade drottning Kristinas förmyndarregering denna tomt och granntomten till riksrådet Per Sparre.

Tomten var bergig och förblev länge obebyggd. 1 början av 1800-talet stod här en liten stenbyggnad som rymde Göta gardes majorsexpedition.

Vid 1800-talets mitt köpte Stockholms stad området och använde det som lossningsplats för den ökande ångbåtstrafiken. Staden uppförde också en ny byggnad för Stockholms gymnasium som redan fanns i östra grannhuset. Östra och Västra gymnasiehusen förenades med gången som välver sig över Gymnnasiegränd.

Arkitekten Johan Fredrik Åbom hade då moderniserat fasaden i senempire, med stora rundbågiga fönster till skolans festsal i övervåningen.

Byggnaden förvaltas av Statens fastighetsverk

[English translation:]

Located at this site was the "Badaregården", one of Stockholm's many medieval cabins. In 1635, Queen Christina's deputy government donated this plot and and the adjacent one to Per Sparre, member of the Privy Council.

The plot was rocky and remained undeveloped for a long time. In the early 19th century there was a small stone building that housed Göta Guards expedition force.

By the middle of the 19th century,
the city of Stockholm had purchased the area and used it as an unloading site for the increasing steamship traffic. The city also built a new building for the Stockholm High School, which was already in the adjacent building to the east. The Eastern and Western high school buildings were joined by a hallway overlooking the school grounds.

The architect Johan Fredrik Åbom modernized the facade in Empire style, adding large rounded windows to the school's second-story assembly hall.

The property is owned by the National Property Board of Sweden.
HM NumberHM20Z9
Placed ByStatens Fastighetsverk
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017 at 10:01am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)34V E 332944 N 6579851
Decimal Degrees59.32435000, 18.06400000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 59° 19.461', E 18° 3.84'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds59° 19' 27.66" N, 18° 3' 50.4" E
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling West
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 9 Birger Jarls torg, Stockholm Stockholms län 111 28, SE
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