First Steam-Powered Textile Mill Historical

First Steam-Powered Textile Mill Historical (HM1X4G)

Location: Valladolid, Yucatán Valladolid
Country: Mexico
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N 20° 41.592', W 88° 12.176'

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Primera Fábrica Textil Movida por VaporLa "Aurora Yucateca" fue la primera fábrica en México impulsada por las nuevas y modernas máquinas de vapor. La industria textil en Valladolid fue otro sustento económico de la región en el primer tercio del siglo XIX. El éxito del cultivo de algodón y su transformación en productos terminales por talleres artesanales fue el antecedente de la instalación en la ciudad de la primera fábrica de hilados y tejidos de algodón movida por vapor en el país. Por esta razón su propietario y fundador, Don Pedro Sainz de Baranda, la denomino: "La Aurora de la Industria Yucateca". Laboró de 1833 a 1845. En enero de 1847 la fábrica fue incendiada cuando los mayas y gente de los barrios atacaron el centro de la ciudad. La "Aurora" ha sido, en casi 100 años, sede de cuarteles militares, penitenciaria, escuela secundaria y a partir de 1981 ha sido rescatada y transformada en un recinto cultural cuyas paredes son las evidencias actuales de la grandeza de "La Aurora de la Industria Yucateca".English:First Steam-Powered Textile Mill"La Aurora Yucateca" was the first factory in Mexico powered by the new and modern steam machines. The textile industry in Valladolid was an economical support of the region in
the first third of the 19th Century. The success of cotton growth and its transformation in finished product by artisan shops were the precedent to the installation in the city of the first cotton yarns and fabric factory powered by steam in the country. For this reason its owner and founder, Don Pedro Sainz de Baranda named it "La Aurora de la Industria Yucateca" (The Dawn of Yucatecan Industry).It worked from 1833 to 1845. In January 1847 the factory was burned down when the Mayans and neighborhood people attacked the city center. In the next 100 years "La Aurora" would be military headquarters, penitenciary, secondary school and, since 1981, it has been restored into a cultural precinct, whose walls are the current evidence of the greatness of "La Aurora de la Industria Yucateca".
HM NumberHM1X4G
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Sunday, March 5th, 2017 at 9:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16Q E 374719 N 2288658
Decimal Degrees20.69320000, -88.20293333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 20° 41.592', W 88° 12.176'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds20° 41' 35.52" N, 88° 12' 10.56" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling West
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 174 Calle 35, Valladolid Yucatán , MX
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