East Causeway Residential Zone Historical

East Causeway Residential Zone Historical (HM1VG2)

Location: , Petén
Country: Guatemala
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N 17° 4.404', W 89° 24.002'

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Zona Residencial de la Calzada Este
La Calzada Este se ubica entre el Complejo de Pirámides Gemelas y la Acrópolis de los Tucanes (Acrópolis Noreste). En un sector intermedio que colinda con las vías 2, 3 y 4 destaca un conjunto residencial organizado en varios patios que corresponden al siglo X d.C.Las viviendas fueron construidas con paredes de bajareque recubiertas con repello de color blanco y techadas con palmas de guano y corozo; albergaron a varias familias agrupadas. Las actividades domésticas como cocinas comunales, y las artesanales como la elaboración de vasijas cerámicas fueron compartidas.English translation:East Causeway Residential ZoneThe East Causeway is located between the Twin Pyramid Complex and the Acropolis of the Toucans (Northeast Acropolis). It was an intermediate area which adjoins the paths numbered 2, 3 and 4. A highlight of the area is the organized residential complex made of several patios corresponding to the 10th century AD.The houses were built with walls of bajareque (wattle and daub) coated with white plaster and roofed with guano and corozo palm leaf thatch. The residences were organized into several familial units. Domestic activities such as communal cooking and artisan work like making ceramic vessels were shared.
HM NumberHM1VG2
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Monday, October 31st, 2016 at 1:02pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16Q E 244570 N 1889246
Decimal Degrees17.07340000, -89.40003333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 17° 4.404', W 89° 24.002'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds17° 4' 24.24" N, 89° 24' 0.12" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near Unnamed Road, Petén , GT
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