Yaxhá Historical

Yaxhá Historical (HM1VCT)

Location: , Petén
Country: Guatemala
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N 17° 4.226', W 89° 23.966'

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(Agua Verde Azul)

—Land of Blue Green Water —

El nombre maya de la ciudad se aprecia en su jeroglífico emblema que representa la cabeza de un loro y fonéticamente se lee como Yax (verde-azul) ha (agua). El conjunto urbano fue ocupado durante dieciséis siglos (600 a.c. - 900 d.c.), estuvo conformado por más de 500 edificios que corresponden a templos, pirámides, palacios, plataformas para ceremonias públicas y danzas, así como santuarios y basamentos de unidades habitacionales.En la periferia vivieron las personas que se desempeñaban en talleres artesanales, así como en labores de agricultura, mantenimiento y servicios. La ciudad estuvo organizada en plazas y grupos de acrópolis donde se llevaron a cabo actividades administrativas, cívicas y religiosas. Sobresalen los conjuntos que corresponden al Palacio Real, donde vivió el gobernante y su familia, la Acrópolis Norte, el Complejo Astronómico, dos patios para Juego de Pelota, la Acrópolis Este, la Plaza de las Sombras y el Complejo de Pirámides Gemelas, todos ellos estuvieron convenientemente integrados a un sistema de calzadas y vías pavimentadas.Leyenda de mapa: Palacios y residencias · Templos y santuarios · Calzadas
English translation:The Mayan name of the city is seen in its emblem hieroglyph depicting the head of a parrot and phonetically reads like Yax (green-blue)
ha (water). The urban area was occupied for sixteen centuries (600 BC - 900 AD). It consisted of more than 500 buildings that corresponded to temples, pyramids, palaces, platforms for public ceremonies and dances, as well as sanctuaries and the foundations of housing units.
On the outskirts lived the people who worked in craft workshops, as well as those that provided agricultural work, maintenance and services. The city was organized into squares and Acropolis groups which were used to carry out administrative, civic and religious activities. The best known examples can be seen in the Royal Palace, where the ruler and his family lived, the North Acropolis, the Astronomic Complex, two Ball Courts, the East Acropolis, the Plaza of Shadows and the Twin Pyramid Complex, all conveniently integrated into a system of causeways and paved roads Map legend: Palaces and residences · Temples and shrines · Causeways
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Date Added Wednesday, October 26th, 2016 at 5:01pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16Q E 244629 N 1888917
Decimal Degrees17.07043333, -89.39943333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 17° 4.226', W 89° 23.966'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds17° 4' 13.5600" N, 89° 23' 57.9600" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near Unnamed Road, Petén , GT
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