L'hôtel Séré de Rivières

L'hôtel Séré de Rivières (HM150C)

Location: Albi, Midi-Pyrénées 81000 Tarn
Country: France
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N 43° 55.638', E 2° 8.639'

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L'hôtel Séré de Rivières, remanié aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, conserve une belle porte et duex tours d'angle «en echauguette» , caractéristuques de la Renaissance.
La famille Séré de Rivières, liée à l'histoire de la ville et au commerce du pastel depuis le XVIe siècle, fut anoblie au XVIIIe siècle. La personnalité la plus illustre de la famille, fut le géneral Raymond-Adolphe Séré de Rivières (1815-1895). Surmonné le «Vauban du XIVe siecle» , il réalisa les place fortes de l'Est de la France après la défaite de 1870, et fut d'après le génééral de Gaulle, un de artisans de victories de la Marne et de Verdun.
Hôtel Séré de Rivières
Sturctural changes on the Hotel Sere de Rivieres in the 17th and 18th centuries left intact two overhanging corner turrets, or bartixans, which are characteristic of the Renaissance.
The Seré de Rivières family were made nobles in the 18th century, and their ties to Albi's history and the pastel trade dates back to the 16th century. The most illustrious member of the family was general Raymond-Adolphe Séré de Rivières (1815-1895). His engineering of fortifications in eastern France after the defeat of 1879 earned him the sobriquet "the Vauban of the 19th century", and general de Gaulle referred to him as instrumental in the victories at the Marne and Verdun.
[Spanish translation not transcribed.]
HM NumberHM150C
Placed ByVille d'Albi
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Sunday, October 26th, 2014 at 11:44pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)31T E 431285 N 4864154
Decimal Degrees43.92730000, 2.14398333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 43° 55.638', E 2° 8.639'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds43° 55' 38.2800" N, 2° 8' 38.3400" E
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Closest Postal AddressAt or near 8 Rue Saint-Clair, Albi Midi-Pyrénées 81000, FR
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