Second Battle of Winchester

Second Battle of Winchester (HM13I)

Location: Winchester, VA 22603
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N 39° 12.898', W 78° 11.482'

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Louisiana Tigers Capture West Fort

— Gettysburg Campaign —

In June 1863, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee marched his infantry from Culpeper County to the Shenandoah Valley to launch his second invasion of the North. First, however, he had to capture Winchester, the largest town on his line of communication, which Union Gen. Robert H. Milroy and a 9,000 man garrison occupied. Milroy soon faced Gen. Robert S. Ewell and 17,000 men of the Army of Northern Virginia's Second Corps. After heavy skirmishing on June 12-13, Milroy ordered his command into three fortifications: Fort Milroy, Star Fort, and West Fort.

West Fort, smallest of the three, is on the high ground to your distant front. On the morning of June 14, the 110th Ohio Infantry, one company of the 116th Ohio, and six guns of the 5th U.S. Artillery occupied West Fort. Confederate Gen. Jubal A. Early, seeing that West Fort was vulnerable to attack from the west, marched three infantry brigades and Lt. Col. Hilary P. Jones' 20-gun artillery battalion to the ridge on your right. He later reported that "the enemy were not keeping a lookout in my direction."

Jones divided his battalion to take West Fort in crossfire. Early chose Harry Hays' Louisiana Brigade "Louisiana Tigers" for the infantry assault. When all was ready, Jones opened fire. Four Union guns were knocked out, and Hays' men charged. The Ohioans fought stubbornly, but soon abandoned their guns and fled toward Fort Milroy and Star Fort. Milroy ordered a retreat that evening, which was blocked at Stephenson Depot. The Confederates' route to Pennsylvania was now open.
HM NumberHM13I
Series This marker is part of the Virginia Civil War Trails series
Placed ByVirginia Civil War Trails
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Friday, September 19th, 2014 at 9:19pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)17S E 742486 N 4344391
Decimal Degrees39.21496667, -78.19136667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 39° 12.898', W 78° 11.482'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds39° 12' 53.88" N, 78° 11' 28.92" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)540, 703
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 605-799 State Rte 679, Winchester VA 22603, US
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