Historical Marker Search

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 11
There are three markers on this end of the Navajo Bridge. (Marker on left:) National Historical Civil Engineering Landmark American Society of Engineers 1852 Designated by the American Society of Civil Engineers Completed 1928 Commemora…
Spencer Paddlewheel Steamboat 1912
Welcome to Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, an isolated and spectacular landscape. Tucked away in north-central Arizona, this Monument is a wonderland of geologic formations and rugged terrain that supports a rich array of desert wildlife and v…
A tourist lodge and trading post have operated near this site since 1929. Without them, travel through this isolated region would have been far more difficult. Marble Canyon Lodge was already in operation when the historic Navajo Bridge was dedica…
In desperate search for a crossing of the Colorado River before the wild storms of winter might further weaken their starving bodies, Fathers Dominguez and Escalante led their expedition past this point on October 26, 1776. Five days were spent…
Northern gateway to Arizona for 54 years - from 1873 to 1927 - is located six miles upstream from this bridge. This monument erected to the founder John Doyle Lee who, with superhuman effort and in the face of almost insurmountable obstacles,…
Has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places By the United States Department of the Interior August 31, 1981
Because of long, deep canyons, Lees Ferry was the best crossing point along 500 miles (800 km) of the Colorado River. In 1873, Mormon Church members opened a wagon road from Kanab, Utah, and built a ferryboat here. John D. Lee was the first fer…
From 1872 to 1929principal route of travelacross the Colorado Riverto Utah Settlements First crossing made at the mouth of Paria Creek in 1864 by Jacob Hamblin. Regular ferry established by John Doyle Lee in 1872. Purchased by Latter-Day Saints Ch…
John D. Lee settled here in Dec. 1872 and established ferry service thirteen months later. After her husband's death, Warren M. Johnson ran the oar-driven ferry for Emma Lee, 1875 to 1879, when the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints purch…