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When the war began, the residents of the Upper Cumberland Plateau were divided in their loyalties. In Cumberland County, for instance, the numbers of Confederate and Union enlistments were about equal. Some Confederate supporters joined Co. B, …
Samuel "Champ" Ferguson was the most notorious Confederate guerilla leader in the Upper Cumberland mountains. In 1861, he formed a company and began attacking Unionist partisans. Such irregular forces were common on both sides during the war, espe…
Thomas Sharp Spencer first visited Middle Tennessee in 1776. In the spring of 1778 he became the first Caucasian to clear land, build a cabin, and grow corn in the area. The following winter he resided in a giant hollow sycamore tree south of Bled…
This engine was brought to Cumberland County from Indianna by Samuel Cline about 1872. It powered a sawmill and grist mill at what was then Northville. Donated to Cumberland County by Mason Hatfield in 1956.
Divided loyalties in Tennessee produced a bitter and violent Civil War experience in Cumberland County, the only county that did not report a vote either for or against secession. Confederate supporters joined Co. B, Lt. Col. Oliver P. Hamilton's …
1817Cast by Revere and Sons, Boston, Massachusetts 1817-1824Hung in steeple of 2nd Congressional Church, Marblehead, Massachusetts 1825-1886Placed in Old North Congregational Church, Marblehead 1886Purchased by J.J,H. Gregory and sent t…
Pleasant Hill Was incorporated in 1903. Pleasant Hill Academy, a secondary school, was founded here in 1884 by the American Missionary Association of the Congregational Churches to provide an education for the young people of the Cumberland Platea…
Less than half a mile west of here, on the Lewis Whitaker farm, the only engagement of the war in Cumberland County between regular Union and Confederate troops took place on December 9, 1863. Several companies of Col. Thomas J. Jordan's 9th Penns…
In 1817, John Kemmer purchased land here and built Kemmer Stand, a wayside inn, at the intersection of Burke Road. It was two-story, two-section structure that housed many travelers traversing the Cumberland Plateau. At the crest of this hill lies…