The Caste War 1847-1900, a War Memorial

The Caste War 1847-1900, a War Memorial (HM1X21)

Location: , Quintana Roo Tulum
Country: Mexico
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N 20° 12.796', W 87° 25.825'

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La guerra de castas 1847-1900.
La explotación indígena hizo que los mayas de la región oriental de la Península de Yucatán se levantaran en armas en diferentes momentos.En 1847 se inicia un levantamiento armado llamado la Guerra de Castas surgiendo un nuevo culto: el de las cruces parlantes. Su capital fue Noh Cah o Chan Santa Cruz (Carillo Puero), con centros pequeños como Tulum, con su mando militar y jerarquía religiosa. Cuando la capital cae, la Villa Grande de Santa Cruz Tulum se convirtió en un centro importante, dirigido por María Uicab, llamada la reina de Tulum. Los rebeldes, llamados cruzoob, reconocieron el carácter sagrado de las ruinas y colocaron una cruz en el templo conocido como El Castillo.A principios del siglo XX el ejército mexicano acabó con la rebelión, aunque en El Castillo de Tulum se mantuvo el culto a la cruz. Desde entonces iniciaron las expediciones arqueológicas.A mediados de 1930 el sitio quedó a cargo del gobierno mexicano para su investigación, conservación y visita turística.Pie de dibujos:Dos mayas rebeldes junto al Castillo, 1922.Escuchando
el fonógrafo frente al Castillo. Gann, 1926.Morley y la Guardia de Chun Pom, 1922. Ceremonia en el Castillo Tulum, T. Gann, 1926.English:The caste war 1847-1900.The exploitation of indigenous people caused the Mayas in the eastern region of the Yucatán Peninsula to rise up in arms on a number of occasions. In 1847 an armed uprising called the Caste War began and a new religion known as the Cult of the talking crosses developed. The rebel capital was Noh Cah or Chan Santa Cruz (now Carillo Puerto), with smaller centers like Tulum adjutant to the military and religious headquarters. When the capital fell, the Villa Grande de Santa Cruz Tulum became an important center, directed by María Uicab, known as the Queen of Tulum. The rebels (cruzoob) recognized that the ruins were sacred and placed a cross in the temple known as El Castillo (The Castle). At the beginning of the 20th century, the Mexican army put down the rebellion, although the worship of the cross maintained at Tulum's Castillo. Archaeological expeditions were initiated at that time. In the mid-1930s the Mexican government took charge of the site and assumed responsibility
for investigation, conservation, and tourist visits.English translation of captions:
Two maya rebels next to El Castillo, 1922.Listening to the phonograph in front of El Castillo. Gann, 1926.Morley and the guards of Chun Pom, 1922. Ceremony in El Castillo Tulum, T. Gann, 1926.
HM NumberHM1X21
Placed ByConsejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes de México (CONACULTA)
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, March 1st, 2017 at 9:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16Q E 455036 N 2235140
Decimal Degrees20.21326667, -87.43041667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 20° 12.796', W 87° 25.825'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds20° 12' 47.76" N, 87° 25' 49.5" W
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Closest Postal AddressAt or near Unnamed Road, Quintana Roo , MX
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