Franciscan Temple Historical

Franciscan Temple Historical (HM1W89)

Location: Zacatlán, Puebla 73310 Zacatlán
Country: Mexico
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N 19° 55.886', W 97° 57.654'

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Cloister of Franciscan ExConvent

Templo Franciscano
Esta edificación forma parte del conjunto conventual Franciscano construido a mediados del siglo XVI, es de estilo renacentista, su planta arquitectónica es de tipo basilical que consta de 3 naves que se dividen por hileras de esbeltas columnas toscanas y zarzos que soportan su arquería de medio punto. El interior es de grandes dimensiones, cubierto con techumbre de teja a dos aguas. El templo cuento también con un arco triunfal, pila bautismal, retablos neoclásicos y un cancel de madera que se encuentra en el sotocoro; su cúpula es de trazo octagonal en el área del presbiterio con altar de estilo neoclásico.
Franciscan Temple
This building is part of the Franciscan convent complex. It was built in the Renaissance style in the mid sixteenth century. Its floor plan is basilica style consisting of 3 naves divided by rows of slender Tuscan columns and wattles that support its semicircular arches. The interior is large, covered with a sloped roof. The temple also has a triumphal arch, a font, neoclassical altarpieces and a wooden grid which is in the choir loft. It has an octagonal dome in the area of the presbytery with a Neoclassical style altar.
Claustro del Ex convento Franciscano
anexa al Templo Franciscano, actualmente aquí es la sede de la Casa de la Cultura, de una biblioteca pública y del Museo Regional Comunitario "Luciano Márquez Becerra", en uno de sus patios se encuentra la llamada "Fuente de las Sirenas".English:
Cloister of Franciscan ExConvent
This construction is also part of the Franciscan convent complex. The Culture House (Casa de la Cultura), a public library and the Luciano Becerra Marquez Community Regional Museum are located here now. In one of the courtyards there is a fountain called "The Fountain of the Mermaids".
HM NumberHM1W89
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Sunday, December 11th, 2016 at 1:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)14Q E 608746 N 2204229
Decimal Degrees19.93143333, -97.96090000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 19° 55.886', W 97° 57.654'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds19° 55' 53.16" N, 97° 57' 39.24" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling East
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 6 Plazuela Santa Cecilia, Zacatlán Puebla 73310, MX
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