Owl Cafe and Tourist Hotel

Owl Cafe and Tourist Hotel (HMWPG)

Location: Tombstone, AZ 85638 Cochise County
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N 31° 42.736', W 110° 3.96'

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On December 28th of 1881 while crossing 5th St., Virgil Earp was ambushed and shot. Would be assassins hidden in a new building under construction opened fire with shotguns. Virgil was severely wounded. He survived, but lost the use of his left arm. Meyer's Brothers Clothing and the Huachuca Water Co. moved into the new building. Later it became a popular saloon called the Bucket of Blood. In 1909 it was remodeled into a tourist hotel. In 1928 it became the Owl Caf? and Tourist Hotel. The historic building burned in a fire in 1942, thought to have begun in the cook's quarters. A new building was erected in the 1950's and in the 1970's it became the Longhorn Restaurant.
Marker Number28
Year Placed2005
Placed ByTombstone Restoration Commission
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Monday, October 6th, 2014 at 8:00am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)12R E 588497 N 3508922
Decimal Degrees31.71226667, -110.06600000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 31° 42.736', W 110° 3.96'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds31° 42' 44.16" N, 110° 3' 57.60" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)520
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 501 E Allen St, Tombstone AZ 85638, US
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