Finding Freedom

Finding Freedom (HM24YM)

Location: Cambridge, MD 21613 Dorchester County
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N 38° 27.55', W 76° 1.869'

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The Call of Freedom

Dorchester County occupies a central place in the story of the Underground Railroad, the secret network of "stations" and "conductors" that sheltered and shepherded hundreds of enslave African Americans to freedom in the mid-1800s. The famed Underground Railroad conductor Harriet Tubman grew up here in Bucktown.

An Act of Defiance

Young Harriet Tubman made her first stand against the injustice of slavery at Bucktown village store. While on an errand with a plantation cook, she encountered a white overseer disciplining a slave. The overseer ordered Tubman to help tie the slave down. She refused — an astonishing display of defiance for any slave, much less a girl of about age 13. The young man broke free, and the overseer picked up a two-pound weight and hurled it at him. Instead, he hit Tubman on the head with a blow that nearly killed her. Many historians believe this injury was linked to the frequent seizures Tubman experienced as an adult. These episodes were accompanied by vivid dreams that the deeply religious Tubman regarded as messages from God.

The Flight of the Dover Eight

In 1857, Thomas Elliot, Denwood Hughes, and Henry Predo fled from a nearby farm then owned by Prichett Meredith. The three joined five others in making the way north to freedom, but the group was

betrayed by their conductor and led straight to jail in Dover, Delaware. Still, the "Dover Eight" managed to make a dramatic escape through the sheriff's private living quarters and out a window. All eight found their way to freedom in Canada. There, Elliott and Hughes became supporters of anti-slavery activist John Brown.
HM NumberHM24YM
Series This marker is part of the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Byway series
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, January 24th, 2018 at 7:02am PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)18S E 410034 N 4257266
Decimal Degrees38.45916667, -76.03115000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 38° 27.55', W 76° 1.869'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds38° 27' 33" N, 76° 1' 52.14" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)410, 443
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 2978 Greenbrier Rd, Cambridge MD 21613, US
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