The Southeastern Colonnade Historical

The Southeastern Colonnade Historical (HM1X85)

Location: , Yucatán Tinum
Country: Mexico
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N 20° 40.871', W 88° 33.995'

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Columnata SuresteOriginalmente era un amplio espacio techado y soportado por bóvedas que descansaban sobre largas filas de columnas. Este edificio, que cierra el ángulo Sureste de la Plaza, muestra claramente las modificaciones que sufrió por la construcción de múltiples
paredes interiores. No se sabe si estos muros eran necesarios para contrarrestar problemas de estabilidad del edificio, o si se relacionan con posibles cambios de función de los espacios originales. Cuenta con
accesos hacia el patio del Baño de Vapor y otros hacia la Plaza de
las Mil Columnas.Maya-Yucateco:Nojol - Lak'inil Kúuchil Ka'anal Tak'a'an Tuunicho'obYáaxe' jump'éel nojoch kúuchil yaan u jo'ol najil
yéetel kucha'an ka'ach tumen áaktuno'ob ku yantalo'ob yóok'ol chowak
tsoolo'obil ka'anal tak'a'an tuunicho'ob. Le pak'a', ku k'alik u nojol-lak'in ti'itsil le k'iiwika', ku ye'esik ma'alob le jelpajalo'ob yanchaj ti' tyo'olal u beeta'al ya'ab pak'ilo'obil ichilo'. Ma' ojéelta'an wa k'abéet le pak'o'ob tia'al ma' u péek le pak'ila', wa yaan ba'ax u yil
yéetel u k'expajal u meyaj le kúuchila'. Yaan ti' okolilo'ob ti' le táankabil le k'uuchil u yichkiil máak yéetel yooxolil chokoj ja'o'
wa Baño de Vapor yéetel uláak'o'ob ti' le k'iiwikil le miil ka'anal tak'a'an tuunicho'ob wa las mil columnaso'.English:
Southeastern Colonnade
Originally, this colonnade was a large space covered with a vaulted roof, which rested upon a long row of columns. This building, which encloses the southeastern angle of the Plaza, clearly shows the modifications it underwent due to the construction of multiple inner walls. It is not clear whether these walls were necessary to offset the instability of the building, or were related to changes in the use of the original spaces. It has accesses to the Steam Bath Courtyard and others towards the Plaza of the Thousand Columns.
HM NumberHM1X85
Placed ByInstituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH)
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Saturday, March 11th, 2017 at 5:02pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16Q E 336828 N 2287651
Decimal Degrees20.68118333, -88.56658333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 20° 40.871', W 88° 33.995'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds20° 40' 52.26" N, 88° 33' 59.7" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 5009 Carr. Costera del Golfo, Yucatán , MX
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