Temple of the Large Tables Historical

Temple of the Large Tables Historical (HM1X7R)

Location: , Yucatán Tinum
Country: Mexico
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N 20° 41.01', W 88° 34.039'

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Templo de las Grandes MesasPequeña pirámide formada por un basamento de cuatro cuerpos, con una construcción superior en donde se hallan unos altares rectangulares sostenidos por pequeños atlantes, de los cuales proviene el nombre del edificio. La escalinata de acceso se halla al Oeste, que el el lado principal. Tanto en las jambas como en las pilastras del templo hay representaciones de guerreros. En la parte superior de los muros exteriores existieron frisos con figuras de jaguares y serpientes emplumados. Esta construcción cubre otra anterior con rica decoración de serpientes en sus bóvedas y pilastras con guerreros, ahora parcialmente accesible a los visitantes. Maya-Yucateco:K'u Najil le Nojoch Mayak Che'óbo'Chan naj kóoch kaabal yéetel nu'ut' ka'anal pata'an yéetel jump'éel kaabalil kamp'éel u wiinklil yéetel jump'éel naj yóok'ol tu'ux yaan yap'éel teemo'ob kamp'éel u ti'its kucha'an tumen kantúul mejen wiiniko'ob k'aba'ata'an atlantes, ti' le ku taal u k'aaba' le naja'. U eebil u na'akal máake' tya'an tu chik'inile', u táan tséelil. Tu pak'ilo'ob le joonajo' yéetel tu ka'anal wa'ala'an kanti'its tuunicho'obil le k'u' najo' yaan jba'ate'ilo'ob meenta'ani' Tu ka'anlil le pak'o'obil táankabo' yaanchaj ka'ach boono'obil báalamo'ob yéetel k'u'uk'ul kaano'obi'. Le pak'a' ku pixik uláak'
yáak jbeeta'ab yéetel jats'utskunil kaano'ob tu áaktuno'ob yéetel ka'anal tak'a'an kanti'its tuunicho'ob yéetel jba'ate'ilo'ob, bejla'e' jump'iit u je'ek'abil ti' leEnglish:Temple of the Large TablesThis is a small pyramid formed by a four tiered plinth (base or foundation) with a building on top where there are some rectangular altars supported by small "atlases", from whence comes the name of the structure. The access steps lie to the west, the principal side. There are representations of warriors on the doorjambs as well as on the temple pillars. On the upper part of the outside walls there are friezes with plumed serpents and jaguars. This construction covers an earlier one, rich in decoration with serpents on the vaulting and warriors on the pillars. It is now partially accessible to visitors.
HM NumberHM1X7R
Placed ByInstituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH)
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Saturday, March 11th, 2017 at 1:01am PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16Q E 336754 N 2287909
Decimal Degrees20.68350000, -88.56731667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 20° 41.01', W 88° 34.039'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds20° 41' 0.6" N, 88° 34' 2.34" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 5009 Carr. Costera del Golfo, Yucatán , MX
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