The Sacred Cenote Historical

The Sacred Cenote Historical (HM1X67)

Location: , Yucatán Tinum
Country: Mexico
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N 20° 41.238', W 88° 34.064'

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Cenote SagradoLas fuentes históricas mayas lo definen como un important centro de culto y peregrinaje entre los siglos V y XVI d.C. En él se realizaron rituales y ofrendaron objetos de oro, cobre, tumbaga, obsidiana, sílex, concha, madera, copal, hule, textiles así como restos óseos, principalmente de niños y hombres adultos.Es un pozo casi circular de formación natural de 60 m. de diámetro, el nivel de agua se encuentra a 22 m. del borde y la profundidad oscila enter 6 y 12 m. más. Maya-Yucateco:U yúuchben dzíibil u k'ajla'aj maaya'obe' ku ya'aliko'obe' jun p'éel u nojoch kúuchil k'uul yéetel xíinbal tu ja'abilo'ob 400 yéetel 1,500 ka'aj dzo'ok u taal wey yóok'ol kaab Ki'ichkelem Yuume'. Te'elo' si'ib ti' le k'ujo'obo': oro, cobre, tumbaga, tunicho'ob je'e bix obsidian, yéetel sílexe, concha, che', u yiitz che'ob je'e bix copale', k'éewel, nook'o'ob, bey xan u baakel paalal yéetel nukuch máako'ob.Jun p'éel ch'e'en k'as wóolis, beyili'o' ma' patbilaki', 60 metro'ob u kóochil, u ja'ile' tia'an tak 22 metro'ob ti'u chi'e', u taamil le ja'o' kex 6 tak 12 metro'ob.English:Historical Mayan sources define this natural well as an important ceremonial center and pilgrimage destination between the 5th and 16th centuries A.D. Rituals were conducted here and offerings were made
of gold, copper, tombac (a kind of brass), obsidian, quartz, shell, wood, copal, rubber, textiles, and skeletal remains, mainly of children and adult males.The nearly circular pool is 60 m in diameter. The distance from ground level down to the water is approximately 22 meters and the depth of the water is from 6 to 12 meters beyond that.
HM NumberHM1X67
Placed ByConsejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes de México (CONACULTA)-INAH
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Tuesday, March 7th, 2017 at 9:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16Q E 336715 N 2288330
Decimal Degrees20.68730000, -88.56773333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 20° 41.238', W 88° 34.064'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds20° 41' 14.28" N, 88° 34' 3.84" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 5009 Carr. Costera del Golfo, Yucatán , MX
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