Manuel Tzoc, Founder of Nahualá Historical

Manuel Tzoc, Founder of Nahualá Historical (HM1WGC)

Location: Nahualá, Sololá
Country: Guatemala
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N 14° 50.556', W 91° 19.08'

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Homenaje a: Manuel Tzoc, fundador del pueblo de Nahuala, en el año 1,871. Señor Dios Todopoderoso, recibe en tu reino a tu siervo Manuel Tzoc y bendice a tu pueblo para que reine la paz y alegría entre sus moradores, por Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Asi sea. Nahual, enero de 1,987. K'iche' version:Na'tajsabal:Rech ri Wel Tzo'c, ticol rech we tinamint Nawalja, pa ri junab' 1,871. Kajawal Dios ronquiel utzirsanel, o'amala ri cajmal ech la ri wel Tzo'c, pa ri a awaremal la chuk tewechi'j la we tinamit la arech cak'ajan ri utzil ojui' cotemal chquixo'l ri epannak, emu' janak chupam, chi rumal kanimajawal Jesucristo, jet aba chu' xok. Nawal ja', enero rech 1, 987. English translation:Tribute to Manuel Txoc, founder of the town of Nahaulá in 1871. All Powerful God, receive in your kingdom your servant Manuel Tzoc and bless your people so that peace and happiness reign in their homes, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Let it be. Nahualá, January 1987.
Year Placed1987
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Friday, January 6th, 2017 at 9:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)15P E 680981 N 1641597
Decimal Degrees14.84260000, -91.31800000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 14° 50.556', W 91° 19.08'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds14° 50' 33.3600" N, 91° 19' 4.8000" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near Unnamed Road, Nahualá Sololá , GT
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